
If my husband smacked me in the face, having some lady time with my close friends the next day is EXACTLY what I’d be doing. This pic is proving practically the opposite of what Johnny thinks it proves.

It sucks that because she’s young and the marriage was short everyone defaulted to “greedy little gold digger.”

The number of Johnny Depp apologists out there is so depressing. I know he’s a lot of women’s Manic Pixie Dream Man Forever, but Jesus. I don’t care if it was alcohol/drug-related and he’s a real nice guy when sober, I don’t care if she “provoked” him, I don’t care if Amber Heard is or isn’t a gold digger, domestic

You do realize that not all religious people are conservative, don’t you? It was my church that planted a huge seed of doubt about my parents’ conservatism in my mind.

I was once accused of intolerance toward atheism. I calmly explained to my friend (who is a complete and utter prick when it comes to religion) that I have no problem with atheism, only with atheists who are assholes.

I am an asshole.

Yeaaaaaa not so much.

So today, for me, it’s Mothers’ Day. And it’s really hard - this article describes some of my own issues with my mother. I know my mother should never have had me - she was mentally unwell, only married to my father because of his manipulation and Catholic sense of guilt, and the fear of being a single mother still at

Yeah, no. Actually, my mom was great, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

A long time ago I realized I had to either forgive my mother, really truly forgive her, or cut her off. I was unwilling to cut her off, so here we are. She’s the type of bully who respects you when you stand up to her, and I have in a couple of big ways, so our relationship is easier now. Not perfect; she’s probably

I cut my mother off 8 months ago. I think of her all the time. She probably thinks I’m doing it to hurt her, but I’m doing it because she can hurt me so easily, and she’s so incredibly determined to pin me as the dysfunctional problem child she raised me to believe I was that I know if we talked, it would take less

He’s such an idiot. He was already at the car when he refused to tow it, so instead of taking the chance of maybe losing money he took the chance of definitely losing money. He already wasted the time and gas to get there (and presumably back). He’s just a downright moron.

Oh God I didn’t even see that. I saw his comment about waiting on the news yesterday. I fucking hate that goddamn mentality. My mom suffered from sleep apnea while she was alive and would literally fall asleep in the middle of a conversation and not even realize it. It was scary as fell when I was a kid because I

I love how he was all “oh if I had known she was disabled I would have waited with her” like she would want his douchetastic fuckhead self to spend another second with her.

I think honest pieces like this are so necessary, especially around things like Mother’s Day or the death of someone’s mom. When I moved away for college, I never looked back. Well, that’s a lie because I do find myself looking back at how horrible my mom was - especially to me. Now that I’m a parent and do the things

I grew up with a mother who was bipolar. We always walked on eggshells because you never knew what would set her off. Physical abuse ended when I fought back; emotional abuse ended when I became mentally stronger than her. I found out she was raised the same way by her mother.

It would have been easy to follow the

I related to this viscerally. My mother was angriest when she sensed that we (and especially I ) were happy, and then the rage would take over, eclipsing everything else. Our childhood was spent in fear: the toll of which is lifelong.

His answer is so textbook narcissistic that I can’t even deal right now. Clearly, he only sees women (or girls, really) as a way to be pleasured/pleased. Gross, gross, gross and gross.