
No, definitely not. There’s great social pressure on both boys and girls. As a girl and a math prodigy (not really exaggerating here - I did nothing with it in the end, but I was impressive as a kid) I was very much an outlier and very aware of this pressure.

I was having a conversation with a fellow male friend this weekend along these lines. He said he wasn’t a feminist, but just that he wants everyone to be judged for their merits and character. I told him lol, like that’s exactly what feminism is.

It is true. Sadly, here in Brazil right now, if you say “feminism”, people don’t think equal rights or Gloria Steinem - they think the Femen kind, with protesting of things that happened in other countries while topless, and total ignoring of local issues like the wage gap, maternity leave, etc. So it is a little

As a feminist who hasn’t always identified that way, I don’t think you’re being completely fair here. To people who are “against feminism,” it is not simply a matter of equal rights; it involves specific policy positions on topics like abortion and the prevalence of rape.

For what it’s worth, I appreciate that you’ve made what seems like a sincere effort to hear people out and understand the points being made (and made very well at that). The only other thing I’d add is in response to this comment: “How can i learn if every time I ask a simple question it’s either ignored or treated

Amazingly, people can and often do consider more than one problem at a time. Because cops are shooting our children and politicians are poisoning entire cities doesn’t mean that we can’t discuss colorism. Not to mention, do not tell Black people how they can and can’t or should and shouldn’t feel about white supremacy

Because it's a blatant slap in the face of both black women in general and it's own subject in particular. You don't understand the issue. That's fine but, what you don't get to do is tell black people what they get to be upset about.

Trudeau, Part I was also a huge violator of civil rights (he shut down the constitution in Quebec during the FLQ crisis) but he also gave us our beautiful and shiny new constitution. His son is definitely going up against a stained legacy in Franco-Canada. A lot of people, especially the older ones, in Quebec hate his

He did have a stroke. I think we can give him a break on that. Also, Chretien acted as his own bodyguard. He was kind of a badass.

“Husband Privately Says Something Mean About Wife During Low Point in Marriage”

Bullshit. If she slept with two guys that could have been the father around the time the child was conceived, she’d have absolutely no way of being 100% positive without a DNA test. In fact, someone of her wealth would be a fucking idiot not to wait until conclusive proof is there before allowing contact or rights.

It isn’t always fucked up to not want your ex to have custody or visitation rights. This is a private matter and should stay that way.

She doesn’t look like an asshole to me in re: custody. I just quickly googled and the biological father of her child said the main reason he wanted custody is because Lakshmi has a career and he thought she’d put that ahead of their child. Also, the father asked for full custody, so it isn’t like she’s the only one

I’ve frequently referred to President Obama as the ‘Dad in Chief’, because he totally loses his chill when it comes to kidlets. He just loves them.

Omg, baby bats. I die every time.

If a partner ever calls me a ‘bad investment’ due to a medical condition... yeah, we’re not going to be friends.

My bf of 6 years dumped me because he couldn’t handle my endometriosis. At the time (I was 30) my gyno advised us to start thinking (thinking! not making!) about children when I was 32, so I would still have a chance, with surgeries and all. But my ex didn’t want children for another 10 years (he was 40 at the time),

See, this confuses me, because as stated above, she didn’t know who her daughter’s father was for a while after she was born. So if she didn’t know, how did HE know?

Maintaining a reasonably normal married life —let alone a sex life— with endometriosis is at times nigh-on impossible. Endometriosis wasn’t the only factor but it certainly was a major factor in the failure of my marriage, so in that respect my heart goes out to Padma Lakshmi. This disease is a greater ar$ehole than