so you can take a bunch of time using a suction bulb to slowly get out what you eitehr want or dont want, or you can throw it in a gravy separator that works much better and can also be used as a measuring cup if you like.
so you can take a bunch of time using a suction bulb to slowly get out what you eitehr want or dont want, or you can throw it in a gravy separator that works much better and can also be used as a measuring cup if you like.
When he first opened the first bar, he encouraged his bartenders to “give away” free drinks to people who tipped big, were repeat customers, and who treated the staff exceptionally well. All of those drinks were paid for by the servers themselves since he pointed out that they were the recipients of the benefits (Full…
One of my very good friends owns two (and soon to be three) bars near where i live, and he has a very nice and fancy high def video security system installed in all of his bars.
and every POS station has a very obvious and very high end camera pointing right at it as well as having a second that points at the screen…
Dont say anything about bartenders not paying all of their taxes, the clueless morons will descend upon you and tell you that they do pay taxes and thats why their take home checks are so small.
Here’s my biggest problem with the whole CTE thing.
or maybe thgat oh so useful UNION that these players were members of and paid dues to, could do something like pay for their healtcare in later years, fund them with real pensions off the MIllions the union collects today, etc.
yeah especially since there have been absolutely no improvements in fuel efficiency in trucks since the 1990's...
or both...
and exactly what kind of businessperson would agree to a zero gross margin contract??
had the same deal with my parents on getting picked up. never needed it.
grew up in the 80;s with a father who installed a complete wet bar with coolers and more bottles than most neighborhood bars.
heroin addicts have been doing this for decades.
i find arby’s to do a better job of colon cleansing than anything else available
we have an urban setting like you described and that is mostly deserted.
I guarantee you that your local municipal code covers both of those items.
The main advantage of Sous Vide cooking is the instant laughter that any real cook will impart upon you for thinking you need to cook things this way.
1. Know what is fluff and what is substance in a home before you go ga-ga over useless shit. It’s better to have a properly framed, insulated, and roofed house than one with shitty versions of those three and the latest triple pane low e glass windows.
As someone who worked in all sides of the housing construction…
Because Liberty Mutual commercials say it’s not your fault you totaled Brad...
This is where the private owner part of the program comes into play.
One of the biggest possible benefits of this program would be the same benefit you get by renting a car the normal way, except instead of days renting it, you rent for hours.