
no, they dont think they’re so important they have t ogo to work.

no, it’s Quickbooks Enterprise Edition, because that you have to pay exorbitant maintenance fees on every year or they turn off your ability to send out bills.

Or until building said track starts to increase property values and a bunch of want to be’s buy lands around the track and then complain that the noise from the track is too much and they need to shut the track down or limit it.

and honestly, the amount of waste, plus the amount of water and nutrients used to raise that lettuce versus the actual dietary benefits of it makes it one of the LEAST important crops in the world.\

growing up in the midwest, hunters safety wasa gym class and so was skeet shooting.

Sorry rule #1 is ALWAYS:

ummmm. most mortgages are also fixed rates.

not only that, but just because prime rate does go up, doesn’t mean that my interest rates on my current loans will go up/

at 19 you probably dont have a dual income household where both people are making decent money.

Face it, early on Red Bull was rumored to be purchasing the Reanult engine and bringing it in house so they could be a vertically integrated manufacturer just like Ferrari and Mercedes.

Tesla has already locked an owner out of the car he purchased because they required him to bring it to them for “recertification” after it was involved in an accident and instead of taking it to Tesla, this guy fixed it himself.

more importantly, he apparently didnt have a motorcycle endorsement which means he wasnt legally allowed to operate the motorcycle which means his insurance will most likely NOT cover his damage nor his and her injuries without a lawsuit.

she better have health insurance because his auto insurance, if he has any, isnt going to cover her since he was operating a motor vehicle he didnt have a license to operate.

it will probably lower them in the long run as SOME people who are buying TDI’s are doing so because they supposedly had both good fuel economy AND were peppy engines. Now these specific engines will most likely have one or the other.

ypu’ll find that as you move in from the coasts, the dealers tend to get better and better.

Neutral: Do You Get Your Cars Fixed Under Recall?

actually patrick, in the back of the book, they almost always credit their sources which include people, other books, and many interesting other sources.


funny how Harbaugh can come in and do what he’s doing with those terrible Michigan recruits....

With this in mind, it is difficult for a dealer to stock a wide swath of quality helmets because in most cases they are not moving a huge volume of them. This also has huge effects on the marketing of helmets, but that’s a story for another day.