therealreal007 I go adding to the **it storm... where are these lovely fellow citizens, when any one who DOES OR DOES NOT look very similar to them has been treated in a way they themselves would not ever stand for.... you know being and having privilege and all. Saying that someone should be grateful should also be right

I wonder who finds it important to purchase an artifact of an artist or any person for that matter. Such an interesting concept of buying and selling.... when money is printed on paper. Certain things belong in a central place where all can enjoy and learn.... oh wait there are those who rob graves and steal artifacts

Looks like white privilege at its lowest, could these young ladies do ANYTHING for someone else without thinking about self first... oh wait what am I asking ......

The correct questions to have asked her is would she set up the education system for her own children this way? If so, great. If not, why is it ok for the nation’s children?

Do we want to work together or are we all about the individuality?

Your passionate, eloquent, and well weighted words are life.

My one and only question is whether or not the business made that phone call? How can a business truly say that this person has been a problem in the past and even allow it to escalate the way it did....911 on speed dial....

WHERE ARE THE WOMEN WHO WANT ALL WOMEN TO STAND FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS? Why is it that in general police are acting as judge and jury?

Well, then we need to start monitoring people going to jobs of protection to make sure they are not “mentally ill”.....

I heard it a bit ago that any woman that hollers rape should get the sentence she is trying to have handed to her “alleged” attacker....

Just because a person is in prison it does not mean they should not have healthcare...... I find it comical that some people care more for their pet’store life than a human’s life...

I understand that the history of discipline swings widely back and forth, what I believe should be the point is that parents are not rearing their children. Children are not given direction or instruction then they are expected to know and do what they do not yet been taught. Watching “Glory”, the soldiers are

Yes, let’s ask some of the most important, deep, thought-provoking questions of any person that makes a few dollars. What about asking the average hard-worker what he or she thinks? Just because a person is popular this week doesn’t mean they need to or ought to have articles written about what their opinion is.

A very sad point is that as someone stated that “They are not used to seeing a team like our kids.” Why? Why is it that every gosh-darn new pop up show, made for TV special, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon; exclusive always portrays the caucasian in an abnormal light compared to what the united states are.... oh wait I forgot

Are we really surprised that a learned instructor would give the same sad sh** that black people were given for many years. FAKE, FALSE AND UNTRUE information. We need to educate ourselves at home because the education system can not be corrected because it is the sad weak foundation that the united states was

What is more interesting in the energy of #SandraBland he did not get shot, drug from the car or thrown to the ground.....

Interesting how the teacher had ‘hands’ up hollering don’t hit me.... humph. After watching this video “Bobby” should be on the principal’s office. Obviously he was fairly comfortable being a hateful human being.... only intending to grow up and be the same.

Oooook, as are asked to pray for the victim and the officer who shot him..... what about praying about the fact that the media portrays people of color as visible threats where most of us can not even raise our hands or get our registration papers without being shot. What about better training and learning how to

Uh Former ESPN announcer there are thousands of animals that can be used to describe a persons drive, power and talent... Rene’ LaCoste, was compared to an alligator for his power, strength and talent. One can be sure you ‘meant’ no harm however if all you know to compare someone to is a animal that in the past has