
Is it wrong that I care only about the F/A-18?

This fire-fighting mission will go how long, do you think, before the first Osprey ends up on the ground, contributing to the flames?

I wouldn’t mind Foxtrot Alpha becoming an independent blog, but it is logical to keep it as part of Jalopnik for marketing reasons. And comparison with Jezebel is way off, since the number of Jalops who like FA far outweighs those who don’t.

What is it going to take to move Foxtrot off the Jalopnik domain?

“Most cops are ass hole who are mad at the world”

I see dumb people.

Really hoping this hope for sarcasm is sarcasm. The original was quite obviously sarcasm.

Before all these cameras in public, the police never misbehaved. The cameras incite them to act aggressively and should be banned.

They still have vents in them to move air to the rider’s face...

How about Intense "Biker Gangs?"

@mjohnsonny: Wet Wipes should only be used once per sitting, as the penultimate wipe. Cleans up everything real nice, then one swipe of regular TP to dry everything off.