Rachel Maddow

Nah. Trump’s policy legacy is quite skimpy, so it’ll be easy to move on from him. Remember the Iraq War? Seemed like the defining issue of our time for a hot minute in the mid aughts. Today it’s like Iraq never happened, and George W. Bush is a lovable elder statesman who paints and gets hugs from Michelle Obama and

Boring. Justice Thurgood Marshall was great and all, but he passed away 28 years ago and he’s already received innumerable honors since then.

Fer fuck’s sake, 25,000 soldiers? I know the authorities radically under-prepared for the Jan. 6 Trumpist gathering, but 25K soldiers feels a bit like overcompensating to erase the shame of a past mistake. People do that sometimes. It’s an attempt to satisfy a psychological impulse for a do-over.

I hate to defend Rubio but he had a lot to do with the creation of the Paycheck Protection Program in the CARES Act, which is more than we could expect from a bubblehead like Ivanka. 

Wait, I’m supposed to become a Marco Rubio stan to stop Ivanaka? That’s a tough ask for a leftist like me. Not sure I can go there. I’d rather place my faith in the wisdom of the people of Florida. They’ve learned a lot over the last four years and I’m sure they’ll do the right thing.

JOe: No problem, you got $600 already so here’s another $1400. That’s $2000.

This was was from a January 4 Biden stump speech in Georgia to support the Democratic Senate candidates, both of whom won. This speech happened 8 days AFTER the $600 checks passed on Dec 27. Biden never mentioned he really meant $1,400 checks to supplement the already-passed $600. He explicitly said “$2,000 checks.”

Oh for fuck’s sake. All of that was said *before* the $600 checks went out

Hookers and mistresses only on weekends. Wives and regular girlfriends during the week.

You guys aren’t thinking this through. The Secret Service detail got their own apartment to hang out in while on duty. I bet the Secret Service guys had a comfy bed and a coffeemaker in the apartment. They could come inside and get out of the cold and get a hot cup of coffee and maybe take a nap on a real bed instead


They didn’t have to enlist the military

Do you even know what a coup is? The MAGA fuckwits had no buy-in from the military, which is a necessary element of any coup. Do you really believe the MAGA crowd at the Capitol had a realistic shot at defeating the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps? Because that what they needed to do to overthrow

They’re within their rights to limit what’s said on their services in whatever ways they want. If you don’t like it, you can use a different service that lets you spout off how you like.

The Founders never anticipated a situation where private businesses would control the dissemination of speech rather than the government. That’s where we’re at now. Free speech is supposed to be a guaranteed right, not a privilege granted by unelected business executives.

Telephones, automobiles, railroads, radio, and television aren’t in the Constitution either. So I guess you’ll be okay communicating via messengers on horseback. Some horses are pretty fast, so maybe it won’t be so bad.

Ironically all these hyperbolic pieces about a “coup” are giving yesterday’s mob the PR they craved. What looked very much like a disorganized gaggle of doofuses who took advantage of incompetent/inadequate police is being portrayed as something far more formidable. That’s exactly what the doofuses wanted.

Mitt is too smart to believe Kinja is valuable enough to monetize on its own.  He’s not a comment section guy.  He’s all about the content.  So am I.

I see. These 300 undisciplined fuckwits who had zero support from the military or police were going to seize the Capitol and take over the government. Scary!

Can we please quit with this “coup” hyperbole?