Rachel Maddow

Kamala won’t stand for this, so we got that going for us.

Kamala was an outspoken opponent of Trump’s refugee policies so you know she’s not happy right now. A cap of 30,000 refugees deeply offended her sensibilities, so I can only imagine how 15,000 feels to her.  It must be a moral agony in her soul.

I have maintained a tangible connection to my first PC by saving its Windows 98 icon folder and reusing the contents on all my subsequent computers. No doubt there are hipsters who use Windows 98 desktop icons to be fashionably retro, but these icons mean something to me. It’s not about fashion, dammit!

Sorry, but Cuomo has plenty of allies. Elite opinion is in favor of Cuomo resigning, but polling of New York voters shows a clear preference for Cuomo staying. Democracy!

Putin, Iran, and other countries worked to “denigrate the candidacy of Joseph R. Biden”

I find it entirely plausible that Trump is happier without social media. I also believe there’s zero chance he’ll run for President again. He’ll make noises about running in 2024 but he’s way too old and he’s going to get way too comfortable golfing and relaxing. He won’t run.

Obama got the bill he wanted.  That was obvious at the time.

You don’t need to read anyone’s minds. Biden specifically said “$2,000 checks.” He kept saying this after the $600 checks were signed into law on Dec. 27th. So did Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, and both Georgia Senate candidates. None of them said anything about a total of $2,000, or $1,400 checks to supplement the

Voters didn’t know it but they elected a Manchin/Sinema ticket back in October.

Even more obvious: the roaring stock market. Affluent folks who bought in at the March bottom realized a massive windfall.  The pandemic shut everything down so the only fun way to spend a windfall was buying a new car.

We need a draft.

Has it occurred to anyone else that Putin would only need to get a handful of weirdos elected to Congress to disrupt American politics? Russian trolls seem to be a forgotten topic these days but I think that’s a mistake and we should take a hard look at the campaign operations of nutcases like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

All of these dipshit organizations like Proud Boys and Boogaloos are going to fade out in the next few years. They’re about to be so heavily surveilled and infiltrated with snitches that members will leave and find other things to do. Maybe a handful of diehards will stick around.

I’m reading Biden is going to re-instate the individual insurance mandate penalty via executive order. That’ll be great news for people who can barely afford to keep a roof over their heads. Now they’ll also have to pay a penalty for not having health insurance they can’t afford.

Somebody smarter than me will have to explain how a person who is already struggling to pay for rent and groceries will find additional money to pay for health insurance premiums.

That moment really did feel like something monumental was on the horizon and when you believe that, it can be hard to shake that. It seems like the younger people today aren’t as bad in that regard

The filibuster means the Biden presidency is DOA legislatively. But there’s still hope to accomplish some good stuff through antitrust action by the DOJ and trade policy.

I wouldn’t worry about Trump alums starving. Back in the day I remember hearing nonsense about George W. Bush staffers being permanently unemployable because of their complicity in the Iraq War and war crimes. Of course all those folks landed on their feet, and today the Iraq War and war crimes are not even considered

I feel bad for the fact-checkers that Facebook and Twitter hired last year. Fact-checking is a good job with good pay, but I’m scared a lot of fact-checkers won’t be needed anymore.   What will they check now that honest government is back?

I must dissent. We won’t be going back to the pre-COVID days, and it won’t be boring. The table is set for a repeat of 1960s-style societal unrest. The pandemic has been a holocaust for small businesses and driven wealth inequality to new heights. Joe Biden is not the leader to hold back a tide of populist discontent.