therealquash ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

It’s what I do, and yeah, it’s... insane how many there are. And it seems like it is constantly increasing? And places you wouldn’t think of are a haven for them... like Kik messenger. I know people use Kik messenger for totally normal shit but I can’t imagine ever letting my kid on it (not that it’ll be around by the

Yeah. I mean realistically I’m not sure it is that great of a risk because there is so much disgusting material available to these guys that I’ve never come across one that was trolling Facebook for kid-in-tub pics. But even knowing that, I wouldn’t want to take the risk, either. But I’m obviously going to be the most

My husband and I are kind of neighbors with who is probably the best NFL player on our not-so-great team. (Our neighborhood is the style where you can throw a rock and hit is multi-multi-million dollar home from our sub-1,400 square foot shoe box). My husband really believes that we’ll be able to meet him one day,

Yeah there’s two issues here: she’s right, you aren’t going to get arrested for it. But you’re right: there are a lot of creeps on the internet.

There are. And they aren’t even that deep on the internet, all the time. Actually the deep ones know where to find the really horrible stuff.

I know you aren’t seriously asking this question, but it does come up so: yes, it is totally legal to have a naked picture of your kids. The picture must be lewd and lascivious in order to go from “picture normal parent takes of kid in tub” to “child pornography.” There are a a heap of factors law enforcement uses to

You are still talking about a statistically small group even if the conduct is legal. And I eel bad even comparing numbers but apparently I have to show my work to prove that there are issues that may worry good parents. This is honestly why I never comment about my job here. It's completely worthless work to Internet

I'm well aware it doesn't prohibit the sending of pictures. And while I intend to talk to my kids, the condescending lecturing of an Internet commenter isn't going to be that helpful to a lot of parents who, for whatever reason, aren't that good at it. But I'm glad parenting is easy for you. Im only 8 weeks pregnant

We are talking about small numbers on both sides I’d guess. But in my own personal experience I've got way more of the former than the kid looking up Internet stuff and getting there wrath of an abusive parent. Also stranger danger is legitimately increasing because of the Internet and the ease of interaction with

I like to think it will get better with time but then I realize I probably won't know a damn thing about the state of the Internet in 30 years.

We weigh the cons and pros of all kinds of things that can be taken advantage of on a daily basis. We don’t simply decide that things cannot be used because they may be abused.

The vast majority of parents aren’t abusing their children, though, and just want help navigating the crazy world that is letting your child have access to anything and everything (and it to them). Nor does it change the very real threat that I described, even if you happen to think it's no biggie.

So because bad parents exist (in droves even) good parents shouldn’t be given resources? What a poor way to argue.

Totally agree. So many parents today, especially the slightly older ones, have no idea what's out there.

As a prosecutor who sees loads of very young girls getting duped by gross old men into sending naked pictures, which will haunt them for their lives, over and over again, I don’t get this being up in arms thing. Maybe you don’t choose to use it, and that’s fine. But having a feature available isn’t necessarily a bad

That IS amazing

I’m more offended by the fact that this kid thinks he can call himself a “good Christian man” than by the banners themselves. Some fucking Christians man. They really think they can absolve themselves of being assholes by relating anything to Christ. Jesus (to the extent he exists) is face palming so hard right now.

Every single woman in my book club thought it was better than Gone Girl. I thought that was a bit odd to be honest but reasonable minds can differ I guess.

Don't you sully the good name of jake peralta!!

If you live in the country, it isn’t difficult to get drunk and shoot. Why would any gun-loving drunk pay to go someplace where they can’t get drunk AND shoot? Seems like a failed business model.