
The way my petty is set up....

they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.

So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.

And (god hoping) he

I never get tired of RWNJ self pwnage.

When government and business are the same, it’s called fascism.

Rules/Laws don’t mean shit to these people.

I’m surprised that Gayle used that phrasing, because Pelosi’s use of the word “henchmen” is in no way as egregious as the bullshit that’s been coming out of the White House re: voter fraud, refusing to accept election results, stacking the Supreme Court, etc.  It’s a completely lopsided comparison.

When the official republican party platform is basically “TRUMP 2020!!! MAGA!!11!!” I think calling them trump’s henchmen is completely fair. They’ve admitted in writing that they don’t stand for anything else.

Egregious? Hell, if anything, Nancy was being POLITE. The Republicans behave more like a crime syndicate, gang, or a cult....

God that sounds like a terrible way to go.

Seriously. Her and Tomi Whateverthelivingfuck hold no official position anywhere anyhow anyplace. They have as much Importance to any Issue as the fucker In the park yelling at the pigeons to mind their own fucking business. Ignore them all the fucking way outta here.

Just as long as we get Roger Ebert back.

Can we not report anything on Candace Owens unless its her announcement to get White Woman Reassignment Surgery. I hope she gets whatever disease  Robert Ebert had. She is fucking useless.  

The social stealth of Liberation was so good, I wish they would implement something similar again. I guess they kind of are with WatchDogs Legion..

Like...this shit is PR 101!

nobody I

I’m starting to wonder if the “this game was developed by a diverse group of various faiths and beliefs” is true.

Damn, even Colin Trevorrow would think this was tone-deaf treatment of women

This really isn’t even an outrage thing at this point, it’s more of a “How the fuck are you guys striking out with stuff that is THIS simple???”

Dog shit company is dog shit. More at 11.

Shit, they really hate women there, huh?