
The devs mentioned that Ellie is the only playable character in the game, and some people lost it. I’ve seen reddit threads arguing that the devs are lying, and twitter threads hoping that Joel shows up and kills Ellie and replaces her as the player character at some point. There’s lots of bellyaching about not being

poorly adjusted guys don’t actually have the tools to engage productively

They dared the have a lesbian kiss featured in the new trailer. Oh my, how shocking =_=

What is people’s issue with The Last of Us 2? I had only seen hype and discussions regarding how much of it was scripted and not.

an ideal past where white men were on top and everyone else knew their place

The thing is that the people who are complaining about historical accuracy don’t actually care about it. They’re only using it as a cover for their own racism/sexism. They like games in historic settings because those games are supposed to (in their minds) depict an ideal past where white men were on top and everyone

Sexists/racists have always have been like this. White men (of which I am one) just always used to be coddled and catered to (especially in nerd culture) so the racists and sexists never really felt compelled to whine like this.

This is what happens when you tie your sense of self to your media consumption choices. It’s not good folks.

They never recovered from when Carrie Fisher told Daisy Ridley to say no to the gold bikini.

Somewhere between 2007 to now :p

Between this, Last of Us 2, Kelly Marie Tran and Millie Bobby Brown, i want to know when my fellow gender became such fucking babies. What the hell are you idiots so scared of?

In fairness, that’s more of a suspension of disbelief thing.

FOR REAL. Im a man and I like playing as women too! People need to just relax and let people be who they want to be in games. More inclusiveness is always better.

Posted it before, but found this hilarious.

“Our game will have you fighting Nazi zombies!”
“Oh, cool.”
“In our WWII game, there’s a female protagonist!”

TBH, since there isn’t any mention of Obama in the article, in the news itself or in any of the quotes attributed, why don’t we not drag Obama into this conversation of another shitty thing that the Trump administration is doing?

Obama wasn’t an active participant in the Russians trying to destabilize the US and Western relations in general, and his attempts to stop leaks did not include trying to obfuscate his involvement in such conspiracies. Just sayin’.

All marketing for everything treats everyone like morons all the time.

See, I knew there was a reason I hated Netflix but I couldn't put my finger on it - they market to me like I'm a moron. Thanks, A.V. Club!