Fake news on facebook. My evangelical brother is the same way. Also abortion and gay stuff.
Fake news on facebook. My evangelical brother is the same way. Also abortion and gay stuff.
Watch Ep 31 or Ep32 of VICE News. They filmed a family at Thanksgiving. Father, 2 sons, random women folk in the mix. 1st son (Trump voter) starts discussing the election. Father (Trump voter) chimes saying we have to give him a chance to make America great blah blah. Then is gets a bit animated. Daughter in Law ask…
Wow. A gay flag he must be in with the gays.
repeated cause awesomesauce!
That is messed up. Same women think that women are too emotional to be president.
I thought the point was to confirm there was no hacking of the system.
I’m a sad petty person...but witnessing Trump loose his shit over this makes me so unbelivably happy.
repeated cause it’s f*cking awesome *****************
????? How in the world? Are they southern transplants?
And coming from the south. That whole confederate flag crap is still going on. Just blerg!
Lol and Fundamental Baptist (aka Evangelicals today) called Reagan the next anti-Christ and was scared shitless. Not so with Trump.
“...xenophobic and misogynist rhetoric filter into national policy and threaten groups of people. Those who think they aren’t “overtly racist” are somewhat complicit in their passivity...”