Neilly Burnswick

Sure, Amell might be embarrassed right now but this serves as a first rate audition for my upcoming epic C’mon, Man, I’m Wide Open: The Christian Hackenberg Story.

In the interest of making this tragedy all about me, my biggest fear is dying on my bicycle, I felt safer walking around Iraq, Afghanistan and other garden spots than I feel riding my bike with the fucking morons we have behind the wheel in anytown USA. I’ve been forced off the road three times and straight up hit

Call your congressman. /s

God cops are the worst driving while texting offenders.  Chances are if you pull up next to one, phone is in hand and head is down.

I’m stuck on wondering how that Matthew Sweet throwback hairdo is received down at Michigan State Police HQ.

Because if the cops don’t obey the laws, why should we?


To be fair, he probably didn’t even see the stop sign because he was answering a text from his side piece.  He may have actually thought the other guy was at fault.

Here’s an alternative view: this policeman has a position with a lot of power (e.g. the ability to arrest) and he used this power illegally to cover up one of his illegal and potentially deadly mistakes. He should be arrested, punished, and blacklisted from working in this industry for life.

Except the devil; he’s into advocates.

A word of advice, no one else likes when you play devil's advocate.

I got a 30$ Yi cam on Amazon and have used footage twice - for other victims. Twice I witnessed accidents and sent footage to all parties involved. On both occasions the people at fault wanted me to fuck off. One guy threatened me after I offered the footage to the lady who was seemingly in the right. I pulled over as

So in addition to the stop sign infraction the cop is on the hook for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment.

Since I love to play devil’s advocate, the cop ran the stop sign because he didn’t see it, so when someone hits him he’s going to assume it’s the other guy’s fault. He didn’t take the time to investigate the scene properly, being pumped full of adrenaline from the crash.

Not surprised in the least.
“Power tripping a-hole too embarrassed to admit he was breaking the law arrests the other guy to take the blame.”

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

It’s just like my dad always says...
*three minute voicemail of ambient traffic noise and AM radio*

You mock this, but is there anything more American than a website that primarily utilizes underpaid contractors, using a Women’s team victory to give props to Ms. Chanadelor Bong?
It may be the MOST American thing.

+1 I’m going to hell for it but it made me lol