Obviously the best reason to bump Harris to SCOTUS is to get her out of electoral politics where she’s a boat anchor, but it’s incorrect to say that’s the only reason.
Obviously the best reason to bump Harris to SCOTUS is to get her out of electoral politics where she’s a boat anchor, but it’s incorrect to say that’s the only reason.
Kamala Harris is the only choice. She was always ill-suited for electoral politics and nominating her to SCOTUS is the only graceful way to usher her out the door and clear the field for Michelle Obama to run for President.
Check out the #KHive on Twitter if you want to see some major sexual frustration projected at AOC.
You want to know why Kamala Harris is so unpopular?
Meh. The vocals are interesting but the backing music is generic and bland. The Slits had a similarly quirky vocalist plus wonderful backing music that was every bit as quirky as the vocals. Gotta have both.
I hope Kamala enjoyed her one hour in the big chair. Because that’s all she’s ever going to get.
I don’t know. Somebody who understands business and tax law better than me should explain this stuff.
I don’t expect the writers will be replaced by ads or anything else. Intentionally making the comment system near-unusable says someone in ownership wants the Kinja sites to go away.
Yeah it feels like the end is in sight. It’s especially disturbing that the functionality of the Kinja commenting system is being actively sabotaged. Is this whole cluster of sites intended to be a tax write-off next year?
That horrible quivery nervous laugh is palpable evidence of what happens when you send a Fake Michelle to do Real Michelle’s work: FAILURE.
Michelle should be President right now. I truly believe she would’ve swept the field if she had run in 2020. I’m still hoping we can convince her to run in 2024.
Okay, sure. Just know that if Trump gets jailed for misrepresenting property values, it will feed Trump’s movement, because Trump’s followers WILL remember that Wall Street crooks who committed the same crime on a much bigger scale were never charged. Maybe that’s a small nitpicky point to you, but it won’t be to them.
a civil case as to whether it manipulated property values
Look, Republicans will never replace Liz Cheney with someone we actually like, so we should think in terms of the least bad option. That’s Liz. Warts and all, she’s better than any other choice. Nancy clearly knows this, even if she won’t say it out loud.
Aaron looks so happy, and he deserves happiness, as do all the other heroes of the Resistance who put their lives on hold to save America from Donald Trump. They won. Now it’s time for romance.
Michelle Obama and her celebrity friends are using social media to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. Does Elizabeth think that’s a bad idea? I don’t. It’s going to save lives.
Later this year Nancy will be thanking COVID-19 victims for sacrificing their lives to save American democracy from Donald Trump.
Not everyone who celebrates 4/20 is interested in pot. It’s Hitler’s birthday. He’s 132 years old today.
Yeah it would split the conservative vote. It would be good news for Kamala, but not all good.
“Gay marriage should be safe, legal, and rare” wouldn’t have been a very inspiring endorsement of marriage rights.