Nancy P

I think there’s a good chance Trump runs in 2024 on an independent ticket.

Blind adherence to norms is not something I’m inclined to be charitable about

You do what you’re told, eh?

You know every request to see a COVID-19 passport will also come with a request to see ID. It won’t take a whole lot of imagination for border states to figure out how this can be used against illegal immigrants.

I wouldn’t worry about a red state rebellion against vaccine passports. Biden’s press team can point out that passports can be repurposed to discriminate against illegal immigrants and poor people. That’ll get the red states on board in a jiffy!

What’s better for this sort of viewing than a hangover is a high fever. No shit. A few years ago I was feverish and light-headed one Saturday morning and found BBC’s Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty 4-part documentary on youTube. All about the Plantangenets.

I wish there were more commenters on Kinja. There used to be more. I recall complaining about “slow” days in 2018 that were far busier than even the busiest day in 2021.

This must be about keeping a lid on leaks. The federal government has had an awful problem of “anonymous sources” leaking classified info.  How many were smoking pot?  Probably a few.

Just gonna throw this out here: how about Hillary Clinton for NY Governor?

Weak charges. This is not justice. It’s just more proof that Kamala Harris should’ve been Attorney General, not weak ass Merrick Garland. Kamala would find some real charges and make them stick. Then in a couple years she could take over Stephen Breyer’s Supreme Court seat.

She’s got the educational bonafides of private school liberal arts so she can quote Marcuse with as much fluency as she quotes Beyonce

public office should be considered a civic duty

Why isn’t it fair? Because she doesn’t want to President? Truly great leaders don’t serve because they want to. They serve because they were called to serve by their fellow citizens.  That’s the difference between Kamala and Michelle.

Carlson is making a big mistake picking a fight with Michelle Obama. I think the only reason he’s doing it is because he’s scared of Michelle running for President in 2024.

More Meg and Harry? How long can this nonstop coverage continue? I know Donald Trump’s abrupt departure left a massive void which every media outlet is scrambling to fill with 24-7 Meg and Harry, but the problem is M & H are not nearly as compelling or multi-layered as Donald Trump. They’re getting boring.

This is fantastic. We’re getting a 9/11 type commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection, and now we have Trump’s tax returns. Trump will be in the news for another 3 years at least. That means we can keep running against Trump for another 2 election cycles, maybe more. Josh Hawley is already looking less scary.

Loeffler’s utter lack of political talent blows my mind. I like to bitch about Kamala Harris not being a talented politician, but really Kamala is like a college football star who’s not good enough to be a star in the NFL. Kelly Loeffler is like a football player who would be bad in high school.

Do you not believe Michelle would serve if the American people called on her?  I think she would.

Kelly Loeffler makes Ted Cruz look like Ronald Reagan. If I’ve ever seen a more inept and unlikable politician, I can’t recall. I’m glad she’s sticking around in the public eye. Undoubtedly many of her fellow Republicans wish she would go away.  Too bad.

SCOTUS shouldn’t be a lifetime appointment. It’s incompatible with democracy. 8 or 10 years would work okay. That way Michelle could serve on SCOTUS and still run for President later.