Nancy P

I hate to say it but Kamala Harris was always the logical inheritor of Breyer’s SCOTUS seat. Kamala did her undergrad at Howard and law school at University of California, and her “tough on crime” background as California Attorney General would make her easy to confirm in the Senate. She was the perfect choice for

Do I need to tell you that was a joke? Of course we shouldn’t apologize to Donald Trump. Seriously though, the Trump era was really bad for humor. It turned us all into doctrinaire curmudgeons. Joking about a silly thing like apologizing to an ex-President used to be harmless fun, but now it’s edgy and borderline bad

Poor Ted. I’m old enough to remember when everyone thought Ted was dangerous because he was a smarter and more competent version of Donald Trump. We owe Donald an apology for that.

That sounds fantastic. If there were a site today that offered such writing I would be there every day. It seems to me that G/O has grown a bit stale and could benefit from a reappraisal of the Gawker era. Why not replicate what was good about Gawker and leave out the icky bits? It’s worth a try IMO.

Wow you’re more knowledgeable than the Kinja staffers on most subjects. For all I know you’re more knowlegeable on every subject.  You ought to be writing here instead of just commenting.


Yeah whatever. Lindsey is talking out his ass, as usual. He doesn’t have the cahones to impeach Kamala. But it wouldn’t be a disaster if Kamala did get impeached because it would clear the way for Michelle in 2024. Republicans would be walking into a trap if they get rid of Kamala because Michelle is a much stronger

I’ll be disappointed if Michelle isn’t the 2024 nominee but you better believe I’ll be voting for Kamala if she gets the nod. Until then I’ll continue to advocate for Michelle because I believe she’s the best option for the Democratic Party in 2024. Kamala’s fans will do the same. I’m fine with that. It’s how

Michelle is more prepared to be President than Kamala and probably smarter too. Kamala made one bad decision after another during her failed presidential campaign. Could you imagine Michelle running such an ineffectual campaign? I can’t. I just don’t think Kamala is on Michelle’s level intellectually.

I believe Michelle will serve if the American people call on her. The only reason there isn’t a bigger “draft Michelle” movement is because folks think we don’t need Michelle because we have Kamala, but I have deep misgivings about Kamala’s ability to beat Josh Hawley in 2024. But I have no misgivings about Michelle’

I’m hoping for Michelle in 2024. She’s leaning against running now but there’s still time to change her mind.

Why were no witnesses called? I was dismayed when the House didn’t call witnesses but then the Senate voted to have witnesses and I felt relieved. But then the impeachment counsel changed their minds and no witnesses testified. I’m not a lawyer but I’m baffled. How can a trial about an insurrection not include

Ted Cruz is a horrible human being. Democrats ought to take the bloodstained fire extinguisher that the MAGA mob used to murder Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick and place in on Cruz’ desk to shame him into silence. Then they should put the bloody fire extingisher on Mitch McConell’s desk and watch him shrink into

But Paul Krugman always points out America’s huge national debt and the failure of inflation to materialize and says that means we can keep spending without worrying. He’s got a point — lots of folks predicted hyperinflation and it didn’t happen, so I feel Krugman has earned a lot of credibility because of that and

if Hitler did it, don’t.

Yeah but I bet you wouldn’t be comforted if you had some big plan and you don’t have enough time to finish it. Hitler felt that way. He always told friends he needed to complete his life’s work quickly because people in his family didn’t live long. He really was extraordinarily hasty in the 1930s. Germany was nowhere

I don’t understand why white supremacists refuse to wear masks. Just from a tactical standpoint it doesn’t make sense. They say they want to take over America but then they walk around maskless like they don’t care if they get sick. How you taking over anything if all your troops are sick?

Sound advice, I think. No more Reddit for me. Thanks again. No, I’m not Nancy Pelosi. There was a weird troll on Splinter in the spring of 2019 so I made a Nancy Pelosi parody account to clown on the troll, since a Nancy Pelosi parody was the sort of thing he would do at that time. The plan was a success and everyone

Excellent. Thank you for this concise well-written primer. Reddit folks told me all kinds of nonsense about short selling and I believed them. I thought I understood short selling when I bought GME but really I didn’t understand anything.

Well, technically GOP does have a valid point if they say Biden’s call for unity didn’t have conditions attached to it. Listen back to Biden’s recent speeches and you won’t hear him say “I want unity, but only if condition X is fulfilled. Otherwise, I don’t want unity.” Congress is mostly lawyers, so this sort of