The Real Monster After All

Just putting this out there, but I'd bet anything that Donald Trump has written and performed a theme song about himself at some point in the past, a la Chuck Norris in Walker: Texas Ranger. Now might be the time to break that bad boy out of storage.

When reached for further comment, Ted Cruz said he'd be spending some well earned vacation time in the nightmares of children everywhere.

I don't think we can really pass judgment on this redesign until we see what kind of JNCOs and wallet chain he's wearing. And maybe the tattoos are so literal because the Joker's got a Memento deal going on where he constantly forgets he's the Joker? It would definitely be a fresh new take on an iconic character, yet

I assume they're going the origin story route to lay the groundwork for a shared movie universe with Flubber and that green slime from early 90's Nickelodeon.

Like that time I got my hand stuck in a tennis ball tube as a metacommentary on all the stupid people who get their hands stuck in tennis ball tubes for real. It was largely misunderstood at the time.