Mister Ed

This show. This. Fucking. Show.

You said "but fuck" huhuhuhuh

This is truly outrageous.

I found an article on a completely different site that mentioned HBO NOW COMING TO APPLE DEVICES… oh and pc too. Way to gloss over that fact, HBO. As long as there is a choice besides Apple, that's a start.

Please tell me where in this sentence it says that PCs are included?
"And so, HBO rolled out its Faustian bargain: for $14.99 a month, subscribers will be able to enjoy HBO Now’s “standalone” service—provided they have an Apple TV, iPad, or iPhone." For that matter, where in the article does it say that?

Way to alienate more than half the marketplace by making it unavailable to android users, and ignoring the more widely used streaming options like Chromecast and Roku. All we want is an easy legal way to watch your content that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Torrents will rain supreme for the tech-savvy until HBO can

Aside from the Bert's softshoe (har har) there were two other moments that I absolutely loved in this episode:

Lots of comments here now, and I can't find the exact one, but sometime last week, somebody had wondered where they shot the BurgerChef scenes, as the restaurant looked very authentic. Turns out it was shot about a 5 minute drive away from my mom's house in my hometown of Rialto, CA. I drove by there the other day and

This show.

… A robot with a spectacular booty. Haha. Thanks for the info!

I've see her name abbreviated like that throughout the thread. I'm new here so I'm not hip to the lingo. What does it stand for?

To each his own, but to me, the show lost the last shred of credibility it had with freaking nano-zombies. The nanites were an easy plot contrivance bordering on lazy writing. What kind of problems can we stir up this week? Nanites light stuff of fire! Lame, formulaic, and boring.

I'm sorry, but I stuck with this show since the beginning, and I guess I'm in the minority that will be glad this show isn't coming back. Yes, even if Season 3 had become a reality, I would have jumped off the crazy train. Revolution was at its best when it was trying to tackle how people would survive in a world

24: Morgan Wood.

I watched it on DirecTV, East coast feed. It was muted out, but the mouthed word was clearly legible. I turned on the CC just to see what it would say and it read, "You're not going to [censored] your way out of this, Pete."

lol. Fucked up, yet funny.

"For a brief moment when Simone's husband was revealed to be Middle Eastern I was hoping it would turn out to be BEHROOOOOOOOOOOOZ"

Great catch on Manheim getting back to her "Practice" roots, I was wondering if anyone else caught that. Part of me also wonders if the writers did that intentionally.

I dunno if this has been mentioned in the comments yet, but the reason the jailhouse has outdated technology is because when Regina first enacted the curse, she brought them back to 1983—1984. Since they were stuck in a kind of groundhog dayish fog until Emma showed up everything was pretty much stuck in time.