Lionel Hutz Esq.

It's not a rock opera, it's a rock-sperience!

"This is like when you let me watch Beaches all over again. And then Terms of Endearment and then Kramver v. Kramer!

General Inzanity by Zentipede

"Mom's not a baker, dad."
"She's a modern-day women."
"Yeah, don't expect things to be baked all the time you sexist pig!"

We had a decent amount of Gretchen in "My Big Fat Greek Bob" and her and Linda selling lady goods.

Started out with The Wall, but the rest, both in plot and style, was mostly 2112 with a little Operation Mind Crime and Kilroy Was Here mixed in.

Porcelain horses don't have dead, soulless, staring eyes.

It says a lot about where FOX News is today that their best person is someone that Jon Stewart can dismantle in his sleep.

In fairness to Bannon, he says that about all women.

I have a feeling they set it up with bumpers so they could easily sell it into syndication at some point. It doesn't have to be recut to have commercial breaks.

Complaining about Servo's voice changes has been a tradition for over 20 years now. No one ever seems to complain when Crow's voice changes.

I just realized the strangest thing is that I'm watching in HD instead of a twenty year old VHS copy.

First of all, I want a bubble fan.

Can't sleep, clown will get me.

Fallon doesn't host until next week.

Maybe they will follow Deadpool and go for a darker, gritter, hard-R take on the universe?

Sorry, I got through all my maze humor in the S-Town article the other day.

I had a friend that did Aladdin Sane Bowie for Halloween once, she needed many socks to pull off the look right.

Not a chance that Ambrosius is still alive?

Oh, Bowie's bulge didn't die.