Lionel Hutz Esq.

The Fifth Element is an fine, fun movie, and would be excellent as long as you forget about its denouement.

Multiple viewings? Does it involved a nearly naked Milla Jovovich? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Oh my god. I was just reading this because of a link in an review IV did last week. If you only knew then what we know now.

"We'll fix it in post!"

Well, there is that too.

Or just have Jimmy Jr. constantly hit on Dillion, and relive Dr. Katz.

The last part is beautiful, and shows that Sasha has some insight into what makes Tina tick. He is playing on her every desire.

That was nice. The animators for Bob's do a great job. The scenes on Kingshead Island in "Ain't Miss-Debating" were really nice. There was one where you could see Wonder Warf in the far background. Beautiful attention to detail.

Duncan: "No worries."
Tina: "No! Worries!"

A slight contrarian here. I liked the aquarium episode slightly more. II like the sweet romance between Agent Flanley and Judy. I didn't find Flanley that sad. He was ready to reject the church, but became attracted to Judy, and so bought into it as a way to get close to her. As he saii, there were a number of red

"That wave was a dumper. I almost lost my togs. You could nearly see my bum."

"Tina, the sunset is gorgeous down here. You need help towling off Dunc? Is no one going to help Duncan towel off? Really? It's so simple: he's wet, make him dry."

"For those about to Roquefort, we salute you!" Burger

It was Rhys Darby. I'm pretty sure he knows how to be a Kiwi. They should have given the character ginger hair though.

Plus it's the president that lacks genitalia.

Not a bad list at all. However, I would replace Hackers with Sneakers, which is a better movie all around and capture the tech world of the early-90s well.

While technically a 2001 film, Ghost World captures the 90s really well.

Combined with John Sayles Lone Star from '96, the two make an interesting review of race relations of the 1990s. Of course, Trump probably is planning to ban Lone Star.

Strangely enough, that was the original pitch for Friends.

He told her all the funny stuff in Idiocracy was his idea.