Lionel Hutz Esq.

The crystals turn blue when you blow into it if it's Gilliam.

I can eat tremendous amounts of ice cream Mrs. S. C. U. M.

Damn it, I knew committing genocide would catch up with me at some point.

So, there are bands in Canada other than Rush?

I've watched Superstore. Mark has already gone to hell.

He died as he lived, pounding down pills.

He knows more about lifting weights than our best weight lifters.

N-nothing, nothing. Uh, could you tell us again what your argument is all about?

Lisa Loab's "Stay." It has a simple guitar part that builds wonderfully, and the whole song is built around it.

Ooooh, some one is getting sued for copyright infringement!

A bit late to this conversation:

Every year, I see an ad saying "On this season of Big Brother," and every year, I ask myself, "How was this not cancelled in 2004?"

Wel, you have to eat somewhere after you fly there on Pan Am.

Go watch any Python. You'll quickly figure it out. Perhaps start with the "Summarizing Proust" sketch.

I was fortunate enough to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, and The World's Greatest Lover at the drive-in as a kid in the early 70s. Wilder is as much a part of my education into comedy as anyone. His characters always felt so real, and yet so magical. But always

Are we counting the replacement Paul as a actual Beatle now?

Yes, but Fred Tomilson passed away a few weeks ago.

Thank God this occurred after the Roger Ailes era, so the chances of seeing him in a cock sock have been greatly reduced.

Finally, our giant fruit technology has gotten to a level where a live action movie is possible.

"In the peach orchard system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, James, who grew up with his terrible aunts; and the giant bugs, who live in the peach. These are their stories."