Lionel Hutz Esq.

It looks like the Star Wars sketch hit a little close to home for Dennis.

There has been:

Better yet, hope PBS puts it on Great Perforrmances.

It's why Canada is basically a class-less society.

Hot puppet sex might be a little adult for NBC's Christmas schedule.

Agreed. He seemed just bigger than I imagined. Maybe really good costume design, maybe everyone on In Living Color were that much bigger?

That's interesting and a shame as there were plenty if big dance numbers and times where I could see people bluriely in the background.

So what should NBC do next?

Excellent production and a wonderful cast. My only problem was the direction, which seemed over-caffeinated in the beginning, and seemed to afraid to go to long shots showing the full stage. Still, NBC can be proud. I would say it easily bested the movie.

Bereft of life, he rests in peace!

Which is why midichlorian testing has been added to the standard STD screen.

So. According to Lucas, if Greedo had been a better shot, Hans would have died, Luke and Ben and the droids captured, and the Rebellion ended with the utter destruction of the fourth moon of Yavin?

The Fortieth Aniversery is in 2017. A release of the original trilogy in their original edits, but with fully restored prints would be great. Back in 1997 I saw the Twentieth Anniversary releases in theater (the special editions, unfortunately, but wonderful to see on a big screen again). My local theater is

Personal peeve:

Any episode in which the only memorable thing is something Carl says is in need of a serious re-write (nothing against Carl, it was an excellent line, but everything else was less than useful). There was potentially an excellent episode here, but to stall like this, and for no apparent reason, is just bad writing.

I thought it was the start of a commercial for Ants In My Eyes Johnson.

Stegosaurs are known to be intolerant of other's faiths and creeds.

They're not?

I assumed Arlo became his fuel.