Lionel Hutz Esq.

As a heartless killer and special forces guy, you would think he could do one pull up and save himself.

Now days, we could at least launch a Kickstarter for Kane II, The Sledding.

So he won?

I thought Gonzo played Vader in the trilogy. I'm sure there was a muppet somewhere in the Star Wars films.

Joy Division.

Doonesbury is a great primer on American politics and culture since the 70s. I learned much of what I know of American culture from the 50s on from Mad Magazine.

But Rambo, so everything's cool now.

Now s/he will have to incorporate those post into his/hers work.

Punch Drunk Love I consider a director's film, not a Sandler film. I haven't seen Reign Over Me, so can't comment. He has made some fun movies 20 years ago, but none of them are worth going out if your way to watch.

Bob's Burgers built a whole episode around a Burger Time like game.

The Grifters is excellent too. Cuzack has given us a lot of good to great movies. Really, what has Sandler done that anyone will care about in another 20 years?

Let's face it, if you can't laugh at Shoa, what can you laugh at?

I'm using Netscape 1.0. It's the only way to go if you really want to feel the warmth of the internet.

Sadly, all the AV Club beat reporters were being held in El Dan's basement.

Bill O'Reilly was outside of Microsoft's home and heard the shot that killer IE.

Ziggy says sales fell 80% after that.

How many friends is Kevin Smith willing to sacrifice to keep his career afloat?

What sort of darken rooms are you crammed into with a group of stranger where you are allowed to have sex?

You wanted to delete that as soon as you posted it, didn't you.

Tucker is holding out for the Fifth Ekement television show.