Lionel Hutz Esq.

I thought it was Annie Hall.

I have DirecTV, so I lost G4 when it still had original Programimg.

Saw The Boxtrolls a few weeks ago in 3D. It's was fun and I loved the 3D presentation.

Had a roommate that drank that once.

All communist are gay. Why do you think their empire collapsed. Same with the Romans and the British.

In the back, standing behind Posehn.

G4 has been dead for a few years. There was just an article here in December about a documentary about its rise and fall. It's now the Esquire channel.

The first three series of Red Dwarf were good. After that it got very inconsistent.

It was such as coup to score Bill Cosby as a spokes person.

And all of the comments will be about how the end of the world is so last year.

It cost a little money, but you haven't lived until you've been with two lawyers at once.

Actually, given more thought, what if Rudy was in trouble because he refused to talk about some extreme prank he saw/helped Louise pull off (but went crazy so Rudy doesn't think she deserves the punishment she would get). This keeps the Louise-Rudy dynamic, throws in some Tina-Louise dynamic, and allow you to put Zeke

Just a thought, but wouldn't Rudy have been a better fit for the Charles Grodin role if you are doing Midnight Run. Switch Zeke and Rudy and it would be closer to the movie.

But if she is outside, and you didn't go out there, you would never forgive yourself.

"You have a smell phone!"

And one of the last times Deniro really acted a character instead of just being Deniro.

The music was perfect. I was surprised Alasdair didn't mention it. This isn't my favorite episode of Bob's, but it was fun. Zeke is fun, although no Charles Grodin, and I look forward to Tina taking on more Robert Deniro roles in the future.

Are you trying to say "nautical"?

Think of it this way, you have learned to fly a Cesna 172. I now sit you in a F/A-18. You can probably figure out how to take off and land, but if you start pushing it hard, you will crash if you haven't been trained. Heck, even trained fighter pilots lose control from time to time.

At street legal speeds, it isn't going to bite you, but if you push it, it gets to the edge of its handling quick. So don't race it down a city street lined with trees.