Lawrence Bonk

Something like yeah. I love video games, but I stopped using the word gamer to refer to myself. Partly because this shit is just getting embarrassing. Partly because gaming isn't my sole hobby. I also read and watch movies and write just as much as I play video games. So that's me. I'm just a guy who plays video

Gamegate was not created against Kotaku. It's the outgrowth of a campaign of bullying against Zoe Quinn that was already in full swing before questions of journalistic ethics were ever involved.

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

So you're saying you feel media bias justifies death threats? Because that's what this article is about.

I love this picture...

I think The Verge finally hit the nail on the head by calling out GamerGate for what it is: a right-wing movement. Adam Baldwin, an outspoken conservative, coining the hashtag that people use to harass women, or cite and other right-wing pundits, or post videos of conservative think tanks like American

That's the problem with the movement, though. If it were about journalistic integrity, we'd be squalling about the reviews for Call of Duty: Same Shit, More Zombies, or Madden X: Look, We Changed the Jersey Numbers.

...we're not, though. Nobody's really bitching in a meaningful way about Destiny: It's Totally Fucking

...except it initially started as an attack on Zoe Quinn, and not the publication entire—but, shit, facts. Who cares about those in the face of infantile emotional distress?

Maybe they created Hitler and sank the Titanic so that the specific line of events would happen so BrandonT would be born and save the galaxy. I bet that feels pretty awesome knowing that now.


He was also kind of an asshole, according to Ichibod Crane.

My god you're annoying. Just shut up. You're in a Wii U story making a bunch of negative posts about the Wii U. If you don't like it don't play it.

What an enormous doucher. Everything from the way he dresses to the designer furniture that is on the stage for some reason to the way he can only manage to say a few snide words at a time in between his condescending pauses, it all screams doucher. Say what you will about Notch, but at least he isn't this guy.

I buy records. Seriously, I acquired a player in college and kept it, which works out because I happen to live near Hipster San Diego and there's a bunch of record shops. Good ones. I buy jazz records. Jazz sounds even more colorful on a record player.

Wow, always interesting reading a comment from someone so hyper-partisan, and so willfully ignorant and anti-science (and anti-intellectual) that they're practically foaming at the mouth with faux "pride" over where they happen to live, and who engage in such teenage (or pre-teen) attempted insults as referring to the

I certainly know people can and do but it's inappropriate for you to put words in other people's mouths just because that is what you would do is what I was saying.

I just read about that phenomenon. Weird!

i'm right there with you buddy. I'm constantly having to make compromises on my collection because I own almost double the amount of audio files that my 80gb classic can hold. All legally bought and paid for- music is too important to me to not support the people that made it.

It comes down to existential nihilism.