Lawrence Bonk

Programming is hard. Changing an already shipped project to make it something else is even harder. Some pain can be avoided by extensive planning, but current gamedev deadlines usually mean throwing said plans out the window because christmas approaches and your milti-million budgeted game won't debug itself.

Seeing as I played Mario Kart 64 for a good solid 4 years and Mario Kart Double Dash on the Gamecube for 5 years with friends, this is actually a rare series which, for me, the inclusion of just this one game is worth the cost of buying a new console.

I'm assuming Nintendo released the embargo two weeks early to build hype since they knew the game would review well.

The gaming part of it seems pretty powerful to me. I don't expect the difference between it and the PS4 to matter any more than the power differential between Xbox 360 and PS3.

You could have at least mentioned that it was $10 cheaper than regular priced 3DS games too at $29.99 instead of $39.99.

Why would they stoop to that? The rich have it their way and, given the tax loopholes they're enjoying, they're not suffering.

Only if it rounds up Wall Street, their political lackeys, and puts all of them in a gulag.

So another guy that isn't part of gaming culture thinks he's got the miracle solution to all problems and his solution is to devalue their most important trump card that makes people buy their console by, not only making games for smartphones, but also to make them free to play, or should I say, pay to win.

Smash newcomer revealed!

There was no memo, it's just hip to be cartoonishly ungrateful for something countless creative people poured a ton of time and money into, something that's trying its best even while the nature of a show made for a mass audience keeps it from recreating some of the comic's darker plotlines and fans shit all over it

Not necessarily. 2 reasons why:

Nintendo, I love you. You make games that are filled with whimsy and make me feel happy when I play your games, and I mean feel good happy, not just excited happy. Keep on trying new things, try not to get stale, and I will follow you until the end. I don't need 3 of the same machine to play games, you bring

Yeah, sexism is totally over now because the people with penises are allowing us to study to be doctors! We won! Thank you, Rand Paul, thank you!

I hope I'm not the only one who has noticed that USA is on the fast track to become the next USSR...
Using capitalism to put everything behind a digital iron curtain, guarded not by guns and soldiers, but legal and financial barricades and media propaganda...

Some of us don't even have souls!

1. There's no such thing as a biological gender! Only biological sex, which is almost never as clean-cut as you would assume. How would you refer to intersex people, or people who don't cleanly fit into 'male' and 'female' boxes?

"Biological gender" - yeah, this is where you went wrong:

all the "no one cares" and hostile replies make me sad. i care. many others care. You care obviously.

This is what the main article picture of everyone holding the Ouya reminded me of xD