Don’t think I missed that Always Sunny reference!
Don’t think I missed that Always Sunny reference!
Ya’ll are nuts. The theater experience has its issues but its FUN and its an event and its a thing that provides a shared experience.
I worked there before Amazon and one day someone came in with pro union pamphlets for the workers and the management send armed guards to collect them from have always been a shit show or at least has been for a long long time.
This show is ok and I find it humorous at points. That’s all I have to say.
Ugh. Now I’m gonna have to find my Vita charger, is that what you are telling me? Fine. I’ll do it.
well also in a bad way.
This is so well written that it makes me absolutely sick (in a good way.)
I kind of like that Zelda 2 clone one?
It must be a conundrum for them because I’m not a person who would ever, ever buy a lootbox and I am someone who would avoid a full priced game if they had them (well, only if they impede progress essentially.) But at the same time, does losing my sixty bucks make up for the people who will addictively buy these micro…
There is the free market aspect, though. For instance, I want to play NBA2K18 so, so badly. Especially portably on the Switch. But, screw it. Too many in-game purchases that amount to loot boxes. So they lost my $60. I cannot be the only one.
The problem with DTJR chiding SNL is...what would the skit be? Where’s the funny? Nobody knows what Weinstein sounds like, really. He’s a public figure, sort of, but not in the way DJ was/is. This is just a sad, horrifying series of crimes that ruined many lives. I don’t see the obvious joke?
We have entertainment. By every other metric of happiness, we fall way short. Oh. I guess we have a lot of billionaires, relatively speaking.
GOTY!! (and not in an ironic Knack 2 way, like for real. It’s seriously addictive and fun.)
Everybody is right I was indeed referring to ARMS and the one, the only, SFII.
Dang, Switch already has 3(or more, depending on your perspective aka love of Neo Geo titles) really good fighting games already.
Tweet is murder (ugh.)
I want to file a DMCA takedown of PDP on the grounds that he is an insufferable douche-nozzle.
And not a single one but Gao and Weaver give even a HINT of “immortal evil bad ass.” The other 3 come off as total bozos.
This is actually a selling point for me. I’m tired of the kind of AAA titles that PS4 and XB1 offer(I own both) but there is a BOATLOAD of little indie/steam titles that all seem to be popping up or primed to pop up on the Switch and I cannot be more excited.
Hell yeah. That’s a great point. The time for bubbles is over. Let’s ruin their feeds for once, instead of the countless other times around.