Lawrence Bonk

This comic is mistaking the rest of the gaming industry with Nintendo.

I agree. Rune Fact, Etrian, Bravely, mutant mudds, monster hunter, resident evil etc etc. Nintendo's portables, once they get cooking, are always a good home to third parties.

not true. kids love(times infinity) the 3DS. All my cousins either have one or are clamoring to get one. The tide has turned. Maybe it was the pokemons(it was probably the pokemons)

Here's the deal though. These types of games suck on consoles. Look at, uh well, Final Fantasy as an example. The developers feel the need to spend tons of money, push graphical boundaries and thus, because it's a company, dumb everything down. Then it doesn't sell because it sucks and instead of realizing from their

good luck with this one! i'll give you a ring in a decade or so when they begin showing up on some virtual console.

This guy is seriously a doofus.

this is true but a lot of these newer tech-based companies don't have a big presence in the 'pay politicians to get what they want'-o-sphere. The older telecom companies are way, way, way more entrenched when it comes to lobbying and stuff.

I have only one option for Internet and I live in Brooklyn, which you may remember as being the most populous county in the country. So I can only imagine how the rest of the country has it. So, in other words, no we can't. That's the whole problem.

"just" the vita and smartphones(and by extension every single tablet) ?? that sounds like a heck of a lot of competition to me considering everyone on the planet just about owns a smartphone or a tablet.

Also I love how it says "Nintendo's one piece of good news, the growing success of the 3DS" as if it's one of ten consoles Nintendo is working right now. It's 1 of 2. So, one piece of good news out of two potential pieces of good news. Doesn't seem so bad. In any event, anecdotally, the 3DS blew up something fierce

the worst part about this is i am not sure a single person in the history of the 3DS has even used the camera...

I agree. My house has all 3 systems and is lived in by a bunch of jobless gamers. i expected the ps4 and xb1 to get the most playtime but its by far been wii u. its not even close. personally, i didn't like any ps4 launch title aside from nba2k but thats just me.

I'd def swap in a multinational energy corporation or two. but yeah...about right.

Aside from the admittedly boring level selection, which is essentially a spruced up menu, what else sucked? The level design was among the best the series has had. The play mechanics were solid, and control beautifully. Power ups? Fun. 3D? Cool as heck. Difficulty? Starts easy and ramps up considerably in second half,

But if the level design was so great who cares about the cohesion? That's like knocking a game down because of crappy looking menus or something.

But we are gamers! We don't have muscles........(sigh.)


When you are actually playing it, this stuff is a non issue. It looks great.

After reading hundreds and hundreds of things written by Evan, I finally know how to pronounce his last name. Score? Why not, score!

yeah what's the big deal with that? it's his baby. this is going to blow past its goal which would not have happened quite so easily if it weren't (sort of kind of mostly) the next real mega man game that people have wanted for so long.