Really? That looks just like the Mario games we already have but the physics would probably floaty as all get out.
Really? That looks just like the Mario games we already have but the physics would probably floaty as all get out.
Life is not that simple sometimes. Pokemon is a unique case of many cooks in one crowded IP kitchen. The critters are actually owned not only by Game Freak and Nintendo but by Creatures Inc. as well. In Pokemon's case, Nintendo only publishes the games as Game Freak is a second party studio and not a first party. So…
Nintendo doesn't actually make Pokemon though. Game Freak does, so it's their call if they want to spend their financial reserves on this sure fire 3D open world hit or whatever. People always seem to forget that..
When they say "set in the same world as Lttp" do they mean a brand new adventure continuing that world's storyline like Majora's Mask or do they mean it will actually be in the same Hyrule, meaning not too much by way of new overworld exploration?
EA worse than Exxon or BoA or any other awful company that ruins lives on the regular? OK...
I'm a sucker for anything Metroidvania related so Guacamelee totally intrigues me.
You do get something when you get every jewel in a mansion...
Yeah maybe you are right but it just blows my mind that we are two decades into the Internet age and people can still be that, well, dumb? It would take quite literally less than 5 seconds to learn what it is, using a device that sits in our pockets at all times.
I wish the world was as perfect as you think it is, but it's not and how that effects different groups of people matters whether you think it does or not.
I agree the name is no big deal. There is not that much of a difference between Wii U, Wii 360 or Wii 2. Same goes for Super Wii, Wii-cast and Wii-esis. Not that many know that exists is the problem, and those "hip" commercials with people hanging out in those cubes don't help.
I will say that due to the well hidden nature of the collectibles in this game, even the "filler" missions are fun because you are always on the look out for stuff.
So now Double Fine is just, um, Fine.
Wait, science has proven there are too sensitive women who live to manipulate and attack us helpless men?! I mean, I knew there were some papers floating around but didn't know if the peer reviews had gone their way. Huzzah! Mr. Wizard and his manipulate shrew of a wife, Mrs. Wizard, must be so proud.
But look, these are 2 stories a week out of, how many? 200? It just seems like this huge mountain out of a molehill scenario. Dude, stuff IS sexist and is racist. We don't live in a fantasy land full of happy shiny people.
The general anti-woman tone in the commenters here makes me not read Kotaku as much as I used to. I'm sure I can't be the only one..
Yeah, good point. But we shouldn't use the worst of the worst as a lowered bar you know? For instance, I'm a writer, and if I ever submitted something that poorly researched I'd be fired. But I don't work for them..
Then you are missing out on some high quality side boob...
I'm with you Center420. This is really creepy.
SMG2 was amazing! That sentence just sticks out like a sore thumb. Dude would have had a case if he picked just about ANY other big Nintendo release of the past year or two. But SMG2?
it's hipster just because a lazy writer(s) said it was. The ultimate catch-all topic that stands for everything and nothing all at once.