
what's with all of the "this guy sucks" anger? i mean, at the very least, you must admit this is an interesting collection that attempts to answer how the brain is changed with each particular drug. Isn't that worth studying? Isn't that what art is for? geeze guys. like a drudge report over here..

the thing that makes the prequels so tough is, for all of their problems(and they are legion) these flicks COULD have been great. Even with just about the same narrative structure. I don't mind tax disputes and the like. It's just the dialog was so embarrassing. I don't understand why Uncle George has such a problem

@someone_else: you are kind of short-sighted here. do you honestly think there are any other reasons people commit suicide other than mental issues? and your mcdonald's-disney "there's always another option" dogma sounds great on paper but isn't always the case. the world aint really like that.

Cool idea for a commercial but the actual finished product just seemed cheesy. Still prefer "Sega does what Nintendon't"

To everyone saying this isn't a real banjo and kazooie game, I played it and it really does "feel" like one. You don't have to use the vehicles, you are still Banjo. The humor is intact. I don't know. It really doesn't feel that removed. It just feels more like an evolution than an altogether different game.

It looks cool but as much as I think star fighting and phaser battling is cool, I hope the game places just as much emphasis on exploring.

100 KP - George Lucas, jealous of Spielberg's success with Blox, unveils his own EA produced puzzle game that is eerily similar to one of those baby clutching toys. When it fails, he somehow blames our expectations. (100: 1)

Also, similar ads are on top of cabs all over the city. Anyone got an image of these? They look kind of relaxing.