
Seems vans are good at carrying a lot of things, including momentum.

That video needs to be sped up and the Benny Hill music added in.


If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

OPPO saves lives!

Stressful? Fuck that noise, that job looks awesome.

Also, Dude, Chinese fire drill is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian Evacuation Simulation, please.

That’s all that they need. Take the current A-10, spit and polish with modern materials, boom: A-10D. (Looks like they’re up to A-10C right now).

So basically they want the A-10 replacement to be an A-10. Makes sense...

Fuck. Apparently, just like Soccer, NASCAR races are more entertaining with Spanish commentary.

I bet you’re fun at parties...

I’m willing to be that if this happened in the US, some pilot would’ve lost his wings over the incident or the patient would’ve died while they were all clearing up a ton of DOD red tape.

Then add two hours, just to be safe.

The time you think it will take? lol double it.

If hitting it with a hammer does not fix the problem, then it’s an electrical issue.

It’s really too bad insurance will peg the truck driver “at fault”.

No volume? : (

For the love of all that is holy be careful when it comes to putting the spark plugs back. If you’re not used to “working with your hands” be very careful not to cross thread them. It’s still a very accessible maintenance item, just be careful.

Now playing

Does not matter how many or how serious of a WARNING you place on a video done by professionals... Amateur YouTube stunts need no warnings for obvious reasons: