
See HBO, you can end a story properly. :D

ok boomer

Yes! All of this!

I thought it was a description of Sarah Palin.

I used to play bass for Alaskan Thunder Fuck

I’m an adult I should be able to call him Bob (or Dickhead) if I want. Do you agree?

C4C has zero impact what-so-ever on the used car market. Anyone who thinks it did is just drinking koolaid and has never actually looked at the situation.

Can’t agree more. Let the major manufacturers build crap, they are good at it and you aren’t and it takes a cubic butt ton of money to catch up. Instead, develop power trains for their vehicles. You are good at that and they aren’t and they are spending a butt-ton to catch up. Just Imagine....

It’s more aerodynamic and also perfect for lazy animators who only need to draw blurry moving legs.

Thanks Mrs. Cousins.

The short answer is that, because of the center axle, there’s not enough weight over the drive axle (the rear axle).

The most underrated band of the ‘90s was Poop Towel.

Ultimately it’s a PR decision, obviously. The NFL is not obligated to do anything so long as they are not enabling criminal behavior.

RBG should merc him in the Supreme Court sauna.

Of course it is. That's why I always buy a box for the table. 

Oh I wasn’t being defensive, El Presidente! I am in quite the introspective mood these days...

Your article stuck me with an introspective tone is all. Was not judging at all, just an opinion/observation. 

I feel like Kevin is entering the reflective period of his career. I’m curious to see what comes next. 

People still aren’t tired of anime high school adventures in games so I don’t see any problem with it.