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    If you’d prefer that in glyphs you can visually see and then translate into language via your eyes and brain, a process known as “reading,””

    I am agreeing with you so hard over here lol. It reminds me of the story of espn creating a story one hour with their own dude’s extreme opinion, reporting on that story the next hour, interviewing people about their story the next, analysis of the answers next, and so on. Except here the origin is twitterers, whose


    Oh my god, playing indoor on fifa was the best thing ever! They would never do that again in a million years. I got Argentina every time and it amazed me that the crowd chanted my team’s name. (I was 8 at the time)

    It is extremely obvious in the show that the stuff she does is wrong and stupid. And usually she gets away with it. It’s part of the joke I guess. I don’t get how it could come across as acceptable. Every character acknowledges it. One character (officer Jay) is even constantly annoyed that she gets away with acting

    I think this is cool and everything, and they should totally release a remastered version of the originals without the goofy changes. Like for the diehards. But really, I think most casual fans buy or rent them nowadays and see the wildly differing special effects and just kind of go “that’s funny” and don’t really

    Booyah! I was just about to say this. Love the Searchers.