
“We heard your suggestions, the FR-S will now be the Toyota GTFO”

I tried going back and reading the Nu52 Teen Titans run in a row and it made no goddamn sense. Even reading it without the month gap, the comic book just seemed to jump wildly, like I was missing issues. It was terrible.

It’s for having the liftedest truck that they can get a boat hitch on without a herniated anything.

My opinion, after 2006ish, they’re all garbage.

Yeah its hard to believe all this testing is done just for Mopar to lay a turd of a vehicle at the end of the assembly line.

I wouldn’t touch a new Chrysler if someone paid me to.

Are Rams even reliable? Do they still have transmission issues?

seriously, i could buy a 5 bedroom house out in a lot of states, for the same price i pay in rent for a 1 bedroom here... the downside is, id probably get paid a lot less for the same job out in those states because the standard of living is lower...

I tried to get a deal on a Golf R and trade my TDI. They were not willing to give fair value for the TDI, or discount the R. The lack of discount on the R isn’t surprising since they have no problem selling them. They wouldn’t give even market value for the TDI because “we aren’t allowed to sell it” which is bullsh*t


I always thought I wouldn’t own a Harley, and then they had to go and come out with the Street 750. Never before have I wanted to buy something guaranteed to kill me more.

I haven’t seen their marketing campaigns, but it doesn’t seem like there is any. I doubt that anyone would differentiate between a scion and a toyota. It’s a completely arbitrary rebadge.

Everyone knows you should never disturb a Mitsubishi cocoon... How dare they do this before it could undergo its final Evolution

China is a the largest auto market in the world.

Buick is about China, not the US.

OK, you want an Italian relationship with a sexy piece of metal.

shoddiness- go back into the 90’s and look at what was maserati man clakrson ripped on them......

As the owner of a GT500 with the Supercharged 5.4, I have done my research on this subject (as I had the same question).

I think German cars have a lot of passion. It’s a different kind of passion, but it’s still there.

Leave it to the Italians to make German cars look reliable in comparison...