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    3rd Gen 4Runners (hell, any 4Runner) takes legitimate effort to kill. Ask me how I know.

    More like consequences are for plebs.

    I would just like to point out, at the risk of opening Pandora’s box, often the justification for paying executives seven figure compensation is that they have a tremendous responsibility in running a company. But even when they royally screw the pooch, and cost the company untold millions, they STILL get their seven

    IF this car is going to succeed, the infotainment has to work. The people who are going to buy this car to get volumes up are the ones who really don’t care about the brand itself, but they want a luxury car that’s not a 3 series because all of the awful friends have leased one and they need to be different. But not

    I prefer a spicy barbecue, so cole slaw is pretty high on my personal list.

    It works when families make it work. All depends on your priorities. Of course, 2 seat cars are not very accommodating to car seats, but me growing up in the early nineties, dad usually had Toyota pickups, mom had a 240sx, and a two door 4Runner. Then my brother came along 10 years later and they got an expedition.

    70% has no cell coverage. Safe to say the vast majority by area. Overlanding in oz just keeps getting more intimidating.

    I wondering what the average discount is on pickup purchases. Dealers advertise *up to* $10K off all the time. Why not just start with less stratospheric pricing structure?

    Aus market only?

    You have to know the answer to this: did they ever make a 100 series Cruiser with a solid front axle in other markets?

    This dude falls down for what feels like 37 seconds straight.

    “GOT EEM!”

    I'm honestly surprised $2.2 Billion doesn't get you the whole company and a Mirage Spec racing team.

    Any word on what the car is like after modding it to over 700hp? Like if you want to do something other than drive in a straight line?

    Since hitting play isn’t an option here, what's the synopsis of these events?

    I stick with “muggle”, because they simply can't see the magic.

    That guy in the last one should be carrying a ring to toss into the fires.

    ACTUALLY Dodge hasn’t made a pickup since 2009.

    The Mustang backseat, really the only one I've experienced, was markedly cramped. I'm a short dude and I was kind of uncomfortable just sitting in it stationary. I guess for little people it might be better.

    What about a will it baby comparison between the Gen 6 Camaro, S550 Mustang, and current Challenger? I have a feeling the Challenger would be the winner, but curious what its like to get a car seat out of the other two.