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    If you have full coverage insurance, windshields are often covered... I had to replace the one on my 04 Grand Cherokee, and it has some sensor in it for the auto wipers, and all I was out was $100. Would have been free if I didn’t care about the auto wipers working. Of course, "free", is relative as I pay monthly

    That's not a bad idea. The biggest German manufacturer could buy the biggest Italian manufacturer, then maybe they could acquire a Japanese manufacturer like Mitsubishi. Combine all of that into one borg and call it, I don't know, Axis Motor Company.

    1. Mitsu 2. Benz 3. e39 4. 944 5. ? 6. ? 7.? 8.?

    Haha. Beautiful. I think it is a testament to the lackadaisical attitude most people have when it comes to their own vehicles. Get in and drive. The main concern is your payment and how much you spend on gas each time you purchase it. I know way too many people like this.

    Virginia is the only one that's not weird to my ears. I met a Nebraska a few weeks ago. I still can't get over that.

    I can honestly say I have never known a POC named Chad. I feel like in Africa, naming your kid after a country would be like being from the US and naming your kid Texas. Totally odd. But what do I know.

    How many cars are you up to? I think we need an update on what is currently in your stables, or a realtime program that tracks that.

    Weird choice of words on my part, but yes! It's wrong.

    EDIT: This guy is three months younger than me. I'm all for doing wild and crazy stuff, but I can't in good conscience put somebody else potentially in danger for my good times. I thought this guy was about 19.

    Couldn’t this be jail time? Why isn’t he more concerned? I get that he is white (Blake? I mean come on, whitest name ever, after Chad), but unless his parents are Romney rich, how does he plan on getting out of this?

    It’s not particularly wrong when people do this, but it really grinds my gears (get it?) when people use “cost to fill up” as some sort of metric for relative fuel economy. I could not convince someone that their 2015 v6 2wd Silverado would be better on gas than my 04 v8 full time 4wd Jeep, simply because the tank in

    I need more of these. Can we make this a regular feature?

    If 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted is on, I'm not censoring myself.

    Daily charging has me perplexed. If you charge every day, won't that eventually reduce the battery capacity and longevity?

    Meh I'm not a yuuuge fan of it, but it's not offensive. I don't find the Ferrari 458 to be all that good looking, or maybe inspired, but IMHO it looks better than this.

    It takes me the better part of 6 months to travel 3,000 miles. Makes me wonder if I should stick to the three month thing.

    Neutral: It’s almost inevitable. Car prices have steadily risen, while incomes have barely moved relative to inflation. People need longer loans to pay for the same car they did 10 years ago, thus resulting in the car depreciating faster than the loan gets paid off. I have a relative who owns a Kia Optima and

    He gets yuuuge jets, we get yuuuge debts. Trump 2016: make America yuge again.

    I feel like I've seen a Hyvee, but not where I live in SC.

    where was this?