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    Er...Golf SportWagen?

    So it is fair to say diesel will remain the fuel of choice for commercial application, but I can see electrics replacing ICE in due time. I would certainly consider one for my DD as my commute is about 6 miles round trip.


    So basically modern gasoline engines have eclipsed diesel engines in terms of reducing emissions? It seems diesel will sooner than later be rendered obsolete for passenger cars as efficiency climbs.

    Correct me if I am wrong here, but gasoline engine's emissions are more harmful to humans than diesel, no? Why do governing bodies seem to be so strict with diesel emission? There has to be something I am missing.

    Doug, you and I were born in the same year, I believe. Knock it off with this old stuff.

    FWIW, that’s not an inherent trait of any diesel engine in today's pickups. Sure, if you are towing 6 Tons up a hill and hit WOT you will see some smoke, but the douche canoes who blow black smoke for black smoke's sake have done something to the truck to make it so.

    COTD for expert use of facts.

    This article has a helluva lot of facts to be a Doug article.

    That is precisely what Enzo would do. Giving zero fucks who you are. If he didn't want you to have one of his cars, you wouldn't have one.

    Where is good old fashioned American gun violence when you need it?

    I think that’s the most succinct and valid way to put it. The vast majority of car shows focus on old American iron, or ridiculous supercars normal people can’t afford.

    Much to my own chagrin, I watched the season premier of Fast and Loud this week, and was pleasantly surprised. After the last kitschy episode in the last season where they built a car to launch a tequila (seriously what the f&^%?), I was pretty much done. Not even Aaron’s awesome beard/hair combo and above average

    I know I am tardy to the party on this piece, but honestly, looking at this photo of this car, Sarah McLachlan's music starts playing and I can just barely retain the tears.

    I believe many of the new Volvo's for the US market will be made in SC, USA. They are building a new plant there.

    I don’t know about that, sure there is lots of butthurt, but the other WYTS articles are systematic disassembling of every team’s flaws. This one was basically oscillating between vulgar cheating rants and fuck Belichik, both of which are accurate.

    Does he ever not look like a 7 year old shitting his pants?

    Being a fan has become joyless. I think when Edelman leaves, I leave.

    I Deux Chevaux in decent shape with little rust is a good price at $6.5K You could probably shave a few dollars off with some negotiation.

    I will have that song stuck in my head all day. I am 27, mind you. Good taste in music knows no age.