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    I wonder how much of the car buying public actually goes to dealerships and thinks
    "I have no idea what I want."

    Honestly, I don't hate it. No one is pretending you're conquering the Rubicon in this but it would be good for a few yuks on a camping trip.

    I have almost purchased two Saabs in my 26 years of life.

    Did he miss the part where the Ferrari is a Ferrari?

    You were 20 years old? How old are you now?

    My dad beat my lily white ass through most of the nineties when I misbehaved. As a result, I'm a well adjusted, slightly more intelligent than average person.

    This is when I begin wondering why I didn't go to engineering school.

    Yeah...that happened where I live. Myrtle Beach during mustang week. Just outside of a mall I go to about once a week.

    I tend to enjoy wrenching on my Jeep. But every time a get part of the way into something, I find I am missing some tool or socket bit to finish he job. I have an old 4Runner that is mid restoration (most of the work being done by pro's), but I did take the interior plastics apart, clean, prime, and repaint them

    It's not done yet, but I have an 85 4Runner with a 5 spd which will become my DD, during warm months anyway.

    I have an 85 4Runner as my second pain in the ass...I mean car.

    I would say it has little to do with a feeling of safety and more to do with a unilateral rejection of anything that remotely resembles a wagon by 90% of the American car buying public. I blame this solely on Chevy Chase.

    Viper wheels..........lawd.

    someone get out the trombone with a mute...

    Before I really cared about wagons, the wife and I bought a kia forte 5 door. Then I noticed all of the Forte sedans running about and how overtly CHEAP they look.

    I live in Myrtle Beach. I get to see what asshatery from various parts of the country looks like when people are on vacation.

    I actually read the linked piece where someone at TTAC threw shade on you for what seemed like several paragraphs. I like your posts and I happen to notice the part where "You CAN buy (insert luxury car) for the price of (insert boring Camry/Accord/Fusion." I never once saw you SHOULD. Perhaps you have said that,

    I suspect Land Rover gives zero fucks about satisfying anyone but themselves. The crazy part is, they don't have to give any fucks, not one single fuck. Because people will buy them no matter what.

    I use my 10 disc changer in my Jeep about every day. I don't have a way to transmit music from the iPhone to the audio system. I'm sure they've gotten cheap (FM transmitters or otherwise) but I have never had good luck with things I bought in the past. I'm 26.

    For a while now, I had wanted one of these. Both because of its rarity as well as 8 Cylinder, wagon, manual.