The Real Kanra

Electric cars are like girls; they don’t fart or poop.

Honestly, it’s a really cool idea.

This is totally wrong. They are supposed to first release MechWarrior 5, followed by MechWarrior 5: Ghost Bear’s Legacy, THEN MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. WTF.

  1. It’s a dev kit not a consumer product; aesthetics are largely irrelevant.

Are you seriously comparing fictional characters in a Japanese video game to real-world American hip-hop/rap artists of 2016?

The flock of fetuses was hilarious. OMG.

BlazBlue could be considered niche since it’s basically a spin-off of Guilty Gear (still popular though) but Guilty Gear and King of Fighters are two of the most venerable fighting game franchises.

That Rainbow Six clip...

I never noticed this before but... How come Sheik and Zelda have different eye color??

BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator, King of Fighters XIV, and Pokken Tournament aren’t notable?

Cool story.

There is no such thing as a button-down shirt; there are only button-down collars.

How the hell are they going to monetize this?

For my grandfather, confronting racism was less important than the security offered by getting an education and having a stable job. He passed that lesson onto my mother, who went to college and then law school, getting an even better job than he did. That allowed my parents to send me to one of the best private

Pretty sure I saw this car on MTV’s Pimp My Ride.



IRL bro not in a world where you can 360 noscope headshot through doubledoors on Aztec while flashbanged

I mean, have you ever tried reloading when you’ve got a gun in each hand? It is not a graceful procedure.