The Real Kanra

I’m just spit-balling here, but perhaps the owner should build a wall around their property if they don’t want people entering without authorization.

Please tell me her character will be named Furious Rosa.

So that’s what a front-engine 911 looks like...

This new pose is blatantly sexist. Just because she’s female she’s got to have a girly pose like that? There’s no way they’d put a male character in that pose but it’s somehow alright because she’s a woman? Ugh.

*drag* Whoa... Deep man... *cough cough* That’s like, far out...

Oh for sure! It’s much more realistic but that’s the source of my gripe; it was too normal (for my tastes). Dialogue in Star Wars was never realistic (hence the numerous memorable lines) and these kinds of scenes seemed out of place because they lacked dramatic effect.

They’re actually almost exactly the same length (about 10 seconds).

Yes, he was a dipshit soldier but not indicative of normal soldiers. He had never been in battle and previously worked in sanitation. He was The First Order’s equivalent of Upham from Saving Private Ryan.

That was actually my least favorite scene. It’s so unlike Star Wars. Yes, there have been moments of enthusiasm before but that was normally conveyed with something short and sweet like a simple “woohoo” or “yahoo”. This scene just seemed so uncharacteristic for Star Wars; it was too... normal.

That’s not how the scene plays out... at all.

Watch the video again - she knocks-out some guards but shoots others.

So long as each room has a white board on its door for me to draw dicks, I’m okay with it. Otherwise, hell no.

I mean, they know how to read scripts and listen to their earpieces...

And the guards she shot on the rooftops...

It’s work. I mean, it doesn’t feel like work. None of it really feels like work, unless I’m debugging or something, which is a lot of the time. But that’s where the hours come from. I mean, I’m not, bragging about the hours, because it’s all fun. It’s all fun, right?

Especially because lithium batteries.

I’m pretty sure even the most expensive password manager would not even come close to giving your CFO (or CTO) a panic attack... Shit’s a drop in the bucket.

“The cloud” is a fancy term for “give us all your data so we can mine every possible piece of information about you and market you more bullshit products you don’t need.”