The Real Kanra

You have that backwards; it’s actually a slower routine for a company like Apple given their size and level of business. Sure, it might not be a ton of work, but the cost (i.e. labor) of making such an update isn’t trivial. They have to do exactly the same kind of work as the Unicode Consortium and more by creating an

For one thing, Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft.

I can assure you Apple has spent little to no time on this.

I’m 100% sure.

Regular plot ain’t bad either. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They’re pretty cool if you’re a fan of Ghost in the Shell’s interface for non-cyborgs.

They’re 18+, just like in the USA.

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Enterprise is such a shit show but I love that intro for the same reasons I love the intro to Planetes; the historical build-up is really touching.

Having written roommate agreements is literally a joke from The Big Bang Theory... because it’s ridiculous.

The article should then read as “... Snell 2015 (née Snell 2010) ...”

Ah, they gave him a literal red hood... interesting.

A snowflake?

+1 for Grandia II

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has a great soundtrack by Noriyuki Iwadare. It’s definitely one of my favorites due to quality and nostalgia.

There’s a Smart Car with a chrome guard that parks where I live. Also, it wears a Mercedes badge.

No. Nobody likes harem. That’s why harem shows are so successful.

Not going to even mention the boobstring? Impressive restraint.

You expect Gal Gadot to bulk up for a role that’s already finished filming? O_o

Gender among Transformers is only as “retarded” as them having humanoid figures.

With the rest of the team consisting of two sports cars, two helicopters, and a motorcycle, a fire truck seems a little out of place.