Ken is a mixed asian/caucasian American; he has Japanese heritage but is not Japanese. (semantics)
Ken is a mixed asian/caucasian American; he has Japanese heritage but is not Japanese. (semantics)
Sony is on record saying it is not a technical issue; the name-change policy is in place to mitigate trolling.
I’m guessing power consumption is also a consideration. If you recall, the Game Gear needed two more batteries (six total) and more frequent battery replacements.
This is so, so true.
Wait- you think people are dumb for having aesthetic preferences? O_o
I live in Reston Town Center, where part of the event is taking place. So many cops... :(
Not really; the issue is related to Evolution Studio’s server-side code rather than Sony’s infrastructure.
I could go for a rice cake version rather than bread. nom nom nom
Ugh. They just had to change her colors...
Evil Arcee?
exFAT should work and allows for larger files.
Somebody really fucked up over at Sony; it isn’t April 1st.
It sounds like they’ll work as wired controllers.
Microsoft has announced they will be releasing a wireless adapter for PCs later this year.
Alan already wrote a post about the five best dashcams.
So can a car, as evidenced by the fact that it generated quotations and photos of which we’re discussing after the car’s already been “used” (i.e. gifted).
Equipped with fast action capabilities, this game allows for instant robot to vehicle attacks, slam downs, counterattacks, and infinite combos for a unique master combat system.
Within 110% of the fastest car’s time means no more than 10% slower than the fastest car (i.e. at least 90% as fast).
That’s... actually very much how I expected it to be. It seems very similar to Initial D.
They took their glove off to flip off the cager? That’s intense.