The Real Johnson

"superlative adjectives" sounds like someone's attempt to make their comment sound interesting.

Bold talk from the woman who murdered him.

Where the fuck is Dave Coulier?

Have mercy.

No, you don't.

You give me a time and a place. I give you a five-minute window, anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours no matter what. I don't watch you while you put condiments on it, I don't carry a napkin…I throw hot dogs.

Any by Harriet, I of course mean Helen.

UMD - Fair arguments, but don't you think that, by stepping out with a hot t0 trot used car salesman posing to be a spy, Harriet was a bit of a trollop; thus deserving all that poor treatment? Food for though.

The possibility of Bill Paxton being involved again is worth the price of admission alone. To hear Sir Paxton refer to Jamie Lee Curtis' "tits that make you want to stand up and beg for buttermilk" and her "ass like a ten year old boy" is the most sublime of movie-going experiences.

There also appears to be a man made entirely of stone and a young man on fire!

We had four minutes of silence and lit an intern on fire.

Oh no! Someone is going to shoot John Slattery to impress Jodie Foster.

Agreed. I really hope John Lithgow kills her in a bathtub.

Don's brother kills himself.

Can't Wait To See It
Feel like this will end up being just another River Phoenix movie.

Can't wait
So you create a painting that moves in the wind? Fun!