
Just my thoughts...It seems that you do more online than the average consumer. You stated what you do for a living, the photos, entertainment consultant etc. Why are you using a residential account? I know for a fact that cable company offers a business class service in which the data caps are not the same. That

Hmmm. Well i may want you to see a picture of my kid...but i think im uncomfortable with sending it via text message and having someone else walking aroung with my kid in their pocket.

True. True...i completely agree.

No they did not admit that. The "button" works fine. Its the location of the button that was a problem not the fact that it was not physical.

So if the neighborhood doenst have a problem as long as its playing an intergral part in production... Then the actual trailer isnt the problem as i suggested.

Whats the big deal? So if this was one of the production trucks used my the film company would it be bad that its there? I ask because i assume there are plenty of those trucks on set. Is the problem that its Will Smith that owns it?

Yeah...but its still photoshopped. Thats not a real picture. Just a concecpt.

Im not sure about the other device you are referring was blocked at work. But does it allow you to sync both devices at the same time? Its sometimes cumbersome syncing my iPhone and then my iPad. This seems like it would fit a void that i need. Plus...its not that much money. I spend that at the bar within

But it also saves me 45 mins of standing in line to pick up a can of pineapples...guess it boils down to how much your time is worth.


I dont care what you say. That is not a word. That is a bunch of words connected together.

@HolyPokey: Thats great information, but the gentleman is not being charged in criminal court. He is being sued in civil court. If the police are not attempting to put him in jail then i agree with the @EricSwenson. Why are the parents getting 300k?

@Ross Bertsch: Exactly. Why did I buy a 2010 camer0? I should have waited until the 2011 version came out...but why stop there, I could just wait until the 2012 version!

@dskennedy2: you are correct...that IS what she said lol

@vinod1978: If not fring then Tango. That app works well with iPhone & Evo

@kefern1: umm...yeah. about this video. I understand it but both still make sense. One could use "i could care less" as to say "hey i do care somewhat...but really i actually COULD careless" and if you keep asking me about it...i WILL careless.

@JamesC90: but who wants a netbook?

@foshizzy.mike: Well this is life "hacker" that we are reading. May not be right per se...but it is a life hack to get you to your desired goal quicker.