El Jefe

Be sure to keep this in the freezer if you don’t plan on using all of it in 6 months (freezing gives you 18 months). This stuff DOES decay and become useless even when sealed.

Be sure to keep this in the freezer if you don’t plan on using all of it in 6 months (freezing gives you 18 months).

A “cloud OS” or rather a “cloud client” has been around forever, in the form of products such as the stuff from Citrix and even Microsoft Terminal Services(these days renamed as Remote Desktop Services).

Hey, if your maladies are so ridiculously minor that they can be cured by lemons, water and sunshine, good for you. But that’s not true of people with real diseases and illnesses, so maybe count your good fortune and do not say that crap around people with actual problems.

Not with PETA it isn’t. These assholes are hypocrites through and through. They claim that animals have rights on one hand, and administer euthanasia to thousands of stray pets with the other. Fuck ‘em. They deserve to have their money outright stolen as far as I’m concerned. Every other animal rights group you can

Not sure if you’re just a contrarian or ignorant, but the flack is over being forced to use wireless headphones. Plenty of people are happy with wireless headphones or earbuds, and that’s great!

You had me until “courage,” at which point half of my cup of coffee sprayed out of my mouth and onto the screen.

Ever taken an earbud out while taking to someone?

Yes. A malicious, evil thing.