
That’s not a collection. Not a proper one, anyway. What it is is much, much darker.

Consumers: We want more fuel efficient cars.
Industry: Here’s a 50 mpg CRX.
Consumers: AWESOME.
Government: That’s not safe. Make it heavier.
Industry: These new cars are safe, but not very efficient.
Government: Unacceptable. Make them more efficient.
Physics: Psht. Heh.
Industry: These are safe and efficient, but not in

I did it to offend you specifically.

would it be possible for you not to be a cunt?

Shut up, dude.

Awesome! This is the good shit.

I’m also very happy to announce that with this, Maggie is going to be one of Jalopnik’s regular columnists. She spends most of her time writing novels but expect to see a lot more of her writing here soon!

“Zen, the art of rebuilding SRs, and the warm rush of addy to ensure your gonna be done it by the end of the day.” Not really a viable title....

we need to become friends. that sounds like my kinda party

This is like college.

48 hour acid benders leading to weekend long drift sessions chainsmoking spliffs at the track. Taking shrooms and hauling ass to get to the track before they set in. Waking up the next morning with the engine out of your car in the garage and not remembering how it got there, then powering through

“If WRX not required for transaction of new car then keep. See if feelings remains after having newer daily driver. Then decide.”

This is probably the right answer.

OUTCOME THREE: Write a letter to a well- semi- sometimes-respected blogger. Outline your concerns. Elicit sympathy. Get him to paint your tragic picture with his word-brush. Let him share it with his focused audience. Step one is complete.


Anyone who votes CP on this is a filthy, lying heathen and should take some time to seriously assess their life choices.

I can picture it alright, however each time I try to picture it I see a car that’s broken down in your driveway.

Nice Miata.

You might need some new motor mounts.... and stuff.

Hopefully they wreck one soon, then I’ll just toss the engine in my E30.