Hillary Clinton

or liberal lutherans.  i took a client to a liberal lutheran church every sunday for over a year - they were very welcoming & inclusive.  i still volunteer with them to staff a free dinner once a month, despite having told them i belong to the satanic temple.

Yeah, it was about 30 or so years ago. Although, it may also have been just that particular congregation. Even in the most progressive of denominations, you’ll find outliers!

As someone who was raised Methodist, I got a good belly laugh out of this one. It's funny because it's true.

Q: What’s the difference between a Methodist and a Baptist?

Huh. K. I guess “Be Unrepentant Ratfuckers” is the GOP operating motto in toto at this point.

Everyone needs to vote as if their single vote will be the one to decide the election. Nobody can be complacent, nobody can “sit it out”. This is the most critical election in my lifetime, at least (I’m 47).

Complacency is not just a danger for the election, but after it too. If Biden wins, I am certain a significant number of Americans will consider the struggle over.

You didn’t lose, he cheated. We all lost when you didn’t take office.

As you opined... since day one I have been deeply concerned about what the events of 2020 would bring, should Trump lose.

I’ve been saying it for four years and back then everyone looked at me like I was crazy.
I am very afraid that those followers of 45s cult of personality would, at the behest of the twitterer in

Everyone on the ‘not Trump’ side need to get everyone who can vote out to the polls. We need to see an overwhelming vote against Trump. I want to see him lose by like 20% or 30%.

I’ll be the rare one. I voted for Hillary because I’d admired her for decades. I remember being a little kid and visiting my extended family in Arkansas and hearing the adults talk about how scandalous it was that she hadn’t taken Bill’s name until pressed to do at Bill’s second go round as Governor. 6 year old me,

The Democratic Party is at a crossroads.

Thank you, Libby, for sharing the concerns of ordinary Americans with me this morning and not letting their voices be drowned out by a vocal minority of extremists.

Elizabeth is right. Something has gone tragically awry with our democracy when a qualified presidential candidate can win states that produce two thirds of America’s GDP and not be declared the winner.

Max is spot on. Doctrinaire isolationists have transformed the neocon label into a cudgel to impugn the motives of patriotic Democrats such as myself who placed faith in President Bush’s proffered evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Milwaukee is a great choice. It’s important that we Democrats extend an olive branch to the people of Wisconsin to let them know we aren’t still bitter that they let themselves be duped by Russian disinformation in 2016. The Russian social media onslaught was sophisticated and Wisconsin voters shouldn’t still feel

Congrats to Splinter on this tremendous journalistic scoop!  Keep up the good work!

I am encouraged by this sign of growing maturity from Alexandria.

Chilling video.