
But he did blow into more pieces than Yamcha.

This is what this arc has felt like to me. Its just so damn tedious.

Universe 2 can stay dead.


Its the only Transformers show you need to watch.

But if you have problems with it coming out.

Hardly, they are terrorist groups and deserve to wiped from the face of the earth. The only people who defend them and their actions are those who share the same ideals.

If you march with the Klan, Aryan Brotherhood or any other neo nazi group you deserve to get punched or worse. Theres absolutely no defense for those groups.

The truth was that he actually hurt has throwing fully inflated footballs.

We already knows womens history. She was just an extra body part taken from a man duh.

You leave Fozzie out of this you monster.

I swear her eyes are not centered and it drives me insane.

Whats even crazier is that Nazi’s killed Jews just for simply existing. So assaulting those cunts is alright.

Everyone hates porgs.

Yeah -4 and than windchill drops it to -30.

Dont use instagram. So simple.

Im sorry but you sound like a terrible waitress. Being a former waiter I loved it when customers stacked their plates and most of my tables had common sense to stick all the silverware on the top plate. But seriously throwing a hissy fit about stack plates and godforbid a fork in the middle of the stack.

But Chiaotzu blew into more pieces.


Even though I would suck horrible at this game, id buy it just for the fact that it looks like the show.