
This needs to happen.

Its Norwegian and Northern Minnesota is a heavy Finnish, Norwegian heritage.


No this situation wouldnt have existed numb buts and other cunts like him wouldnt pull this shit over a fucking video game.

You’re right it shouldnt have escalated this, it shouldnt have even started to begin with.

Man hes gonna be someones bitch in prison.

Yeah some prank. Get the fuck otta here.

Well the CoDs before were all like that were you could sprint in and instant shoot after sprinting.

AS long as they have those goofy opening cinematics and bloopers like the gamecube one had im in.

We do after sex root beer floats.

But can I use it to save Gary’s family?

That is a heavy dose of irony you got going on there.

Like to know how they can enforce that shit and will the HOA be responsible for any thing stolen then?

Cable managemnt is for casuals.

Just PS4. MS was pretty welcoming of the mods for Skyrim, the mods are just limited by the console hardware.

Yeah for you. Chief was a character who needed more personality then witty one liners that was the weakest link in the bungie games.

Well that certainly explains the beginning of Pokemon alot.


One day he is going to piss off the wrong person and it will be hilarious.

I accept Matt the Radar technician as cannon.