
Ali Larter could be disrespectful to Leonard Roberts because the show runners already signaled he was not a marketable brand for the show based on his race”. YES. Thank you.

What I find telling — even here on The Root — is that most of the challenging of Leonard’s experience focuses on Ali Larter (the allegedly-aggrieved white woman) and ignores the rest of the examples he cites of a toxically white-oriented environment on the show, from the episode director deferring to Ali and not

On the issue of racism, gonna go with the hope that Symone, the eventual Veep and Obama 3.0 cabinet steers Uncle Joe into more progressive waters but will still take a naive bigot over a virulent, active racist 11 times out of 10.

2nd, Team Trump literally CANNOT handle a crisis of any kind. A Biden admin will at least

“He was Remy from Higher Learning before and after he’s been radicalized, but dumber.” DYING.

Can we discuss the fact that she has been ratcheting up this conflagration during the largest global protest movement against police brutality against POC? Her timing and accelerations seem, to me, suspect as well when placed against the long-held criticism of the caucasity of POTTER world and her fairly weak response

100% It’s almost all an entitlement problem: I am doing what you won’t and I’m at risk so I get to do any/everything and shut up and say thanks. Enough.

150% this. Want change? Void most “qualified immunity” and let civil judgements be paid out of the pensions. Self-control and self-patrol will blossom REAL quick.

“It’s all confusing” sums up pretty much anything that core “Lost” crew does. Ugh...

Fam and I saw GODZILLA last night and walked out of it talking about how great she was.

I (almost) never spot a cop not buried in their smartphone. They should have to livecast on FB/Insta/Periscope if they can’t afford the cams.